I have got PhD Provisional Certificate on relevant subject on 2009. But the Convocation was held on 05th Jan.2010.The Govt. order dated 5th Jan 2012 whereby ban was imposed on the grant of incremental benefits to the teachers acquiring PhD degree after 18th Aug’2005 cannot be retained and the said Govt. order dated 5th Jan’12 is, thus, quashed by the Hon’ble High Court. In these circumstances, As per Hon’ble High Court’s order (W.P.NO. 20049 (W) of 20012, A.D.I have granted two additional increments vide order memo No. 04/1(2) /Law (me) and No. 04/Law (secretary of school), dated 06.08.2013 w.e.f.05.01.2010 (date of convocation of Ph.D Degree.), So I inform
The ADI of schools (SE),
Basirhat Sub- division,
Basirhat, North 24 Pargans.
Sub: Reminder for not issuing two additional increments for Ph.D.
I have honour to draw your kind attention to the fact that in pursuance of Hon’ble High Court’s order (W.P.NO. 20049 (W) of 20012, I was granted two additional increments from your office vide order memo No. 04/1(2) /Law (me) and No. 04/Law (secretary of school), dated 06.08.2013 w.e.f.05.01.2010 (date of convocation of Ph.D Degree.), but unfortunately neither two increment nor any arrear has been allotted in favour of me till date.
Hence I fervently hope and believe that you will be kind enough to take necessary action to grant me two additional increments and arrear at the earliest.
Thanking you,
After that the A.D.I has revoked his order himself due to no provision such incremental benefit of ROPA,2009. But………?
Clarifications of ROPA, 2009 Last updated on: March 11, 2014
If promotion to higher post involves assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance, a Government employee for such promotion will get the benefit of 3 percent increment in terms of Rule 11 of the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2009, even though Grade Pay of the officiating promotion post is lower than the βGrade Pay’ drawn by him for holding higher non-functional scale(s)
At the above circumstance, Can A.D.I revoked the order???