dear all
i admit my son in which class and which age it my own decision and it’s my fundamantal right. No body make law or rule to distroy my fundamantal right.-BAIDYNATH DAS FROM ASANSOL
Respected Sir,
my daughter’s date of birth is 17/04/2011 in which year she will be admitted in class 1?
please help me it is confusing for me because some are saying it is age 6 and some saying 5+ which is the actual meaning.
My son whose date of birth 30/12/2005 . He read in class iv ( 2013 ). I like to admit him in class V ; is he entitle for class V . for the session 2014 .
Dear Sir,
The date of birth of my daughter is 10/06/2004. Now she has passed in class four in pvt. school. I want to admit the class five in govt. school. So I request you kindly tell me it is possible to admit the class five.
Thanking you,
my sister age is 11years 4 months. I belogs to low middle class family. there is only one hindi school in baranagar area..
I am facing very big problem please help me l want to admit my sister in five class. but it is not done.What I do now……
dear sir,
I request you to help me for admission in class five in government school. My daughter age is 10/06/2004. But the legal age of admission is 10 years. But my daughter’s age is 9 years 6 months. I am confused. I am poor man. I am unable to carry the extra cost. So I request you to tell me the way of admission or others.
thanking you.