a pensioner has died. before him , his wife died. He had made family statement/nominations showing only his wife ‘s name. There is no mention of son or daughter in Single comprehensive form .He has an un-married daughter and a son .Un married daughter is claiming for family pension. Adm. Department is claiming family statement/single comprehensive form for necessary clearance for sanctioning family pension .Adm. Deptt had been approached with pan card/voter card/councillor certificate of the daughter. How to solve the problem?
as per No. 830-F (Pen) Dated, Kolkata, the 20th September, 2010, para 3 ,for the sake of socio economic security, the benefit of family pension may be extended to unmarried daughter of Government pensioner whose spouse had predeceased him. However,the application is to be examined by the Finance Department on the basis of merit of the case.