Primary Rcruitment 2012.TET 100. 5Subjet.Each sub.20marks. (1Child development and pedagogy. 2Bengali. 3English. 4Mathematics. 5Environtmet.) TET Qualified no.60. TET a jato paben tar 40% no. academy te jog habe. Dharun apni 70 Peyechen , takhan academy te jog habe 28 no. ACADEMY TE M.P 10, H.S. 15. PTT OR D.EL.ED.20. Extra curriculler 5. Viva 10. HELP LINE 99324894491
Education department ke amar request pry. recruitment 2012 te academy Madhyamik10. 1st division10. 2nd div.8. H.S.15 1st.div.15 2nd. div.13. PTT/D.EL.ED. 20 1st.div.20 2nd.div.17. Ei bhag ta kora ucit. thanks…
Education department k amar request pry. recruitment2012 te Viva 10 no. na rakhai bhalo ! 5no. korai uchit. na hole jhamela barbe . takhan samlano jabena. DO YOU UNDARSTAND ? Sustha sarir k basta korar kono darakar nei. amar mane hay. khama parthi.
in WB going to recruit new vacancy for 43000 primary teachers. buti come to know that from news paper like bartaman there some qulification has been changed. so i eager to know that what is the new rule for sitting this exam???????? i have 49.9% in HS. but there need ATleast 50% (not sure). so can i get the chance or consider me due to 1 marks only……pls reply as soon as possible because i have in very tensed……………………….
rahul.. prymary recruitment er new rule etai hote choleche h.s e 50% must. (sc, st, ph,obc, der 45%) ei bisoye primary recruitment rule er amedment very soon publised hobe.. er notification link e amedment er copy peye jabe..