Home › Forums › Duties & Responsibilities › As per RTE Act 09 Weekly Teachers Duty 48 or 45 Hours
Dear friends,
The Right of Children to free and compulsory education Act – 2009 published by Govt. of India. In page No. 13:- Col. 4” Minimum number of working hours per week for the teacher – Forty-five teaching including preparation hours.
But in a Bengal version published by S.S.M & unicef has been written Forty eight (48) hours including preparation hours.
That is why some of our teachers are misguided for this dissimilarities. Please consider it sympathetically. Documents are given below. With regards.
What in the actual meaning of the word “preparation”? I like to know about the duty hour in school. Does it mean that we have to perform our duties from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the days from monday to friday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m for saturday?
Nothing is clear, we have to wait…
The confusion is due to the printing of 48 hours as the teaching tenure in a week in UNICEF pamphlet which is aimed at creating awareness of the Act at the grassroot level of the society, especially through NGOs, as said by Vinoba Gautam, the Education Specialist, UNICEF. The UNICEF will also organise workshops to educate government officials who will be implementing the Act.
But, the weekly teaching schedule should always be considered as 45 hours (and not 48 hours) which has been printed in the Gazette Notification of RTE Act,2009 (35 of 2009). This is authentic for the time being. No confusion!
To dispel doubt, pls read the news item published on page 8 in the Anadabazar Patrika today (16th Oct.,2012).
As far as know, the phrase “Preparation hours” refers to the time required for lesson preparation which is to be done by the teachers before taking up scheduled classes and, be duly approved by the HMs.
Saij is correct in his guessing.
Whether such lengthening of teaching hours in schools is really necessary to improve quality of education in the country!
I cannot understand the duty hour of an A.T. There are some falacies.
(i) It is said in the RTE act that the minimum no. of working days in an academic year is 200 and instructional hours is 800 i.e. 800/200=4 hours per day for the classes form I to V; and the minimum no. of working days in an academic year is 220 and instructional hours is 1000 i.e. 1000/220=4.55 hours per day for the classes form VI to VIII. Then what the teachers will do in the school from 9 a.m to 5 p.m.
(ii) If we consider the case of class V in the high schools then what does it want to mean. For class five there will be 200 working days and for other classes it will be 220 working days . Is it possible?
(iii) What will be the working days for the classes from IX to XII?
Please try answer my question.
In our practical experience, we have observed that the students come to school at and from 10.45 am. The blessing of MDM Programme, after taking mid day meal, 60% of the students do not show their interest in studies. There is no boundary wall surrounding most of the school in rural areas. The guardians are interested to send their sons to Bombay, Delhi, Kolkata for earning at the age of 12/13. If a son earns Rs. 1000/- per month and hand over his earned money to his parents, they thinks that their son became like a Hero. And after 12/13 years, a girl students regards to her parents as a heavy load. They would busy to give marriage their daughter with someone else. No request, no terror made by us, they did not care. That is fact.
All the conscious guardian bow down their heads to a door of a private school from the very beginning (2+yrs).I think, there was no MDM,book grants,hostel grants,dress grants, pre-metric ,post-metric scholarship etc. before the pioneer such as Iswarchandra, Sarat Chandra, Kaji Najrul, Sukanta Bhattacharya, Bibhutibhusan, and the other scholars of the world. Their were no Act, Rules, circular etc. to support/in favour of the students. We feared our teacher and did our lesson. As a result, we have learned a little.
But now ?
Teacher : তোমার বাবা কি করেন?
Student : সি পি এম
Teacher :বরফ জলে ভাসে কেন ?
Student : কায়দা আছে । ……ইত্যাদি (এগুলো গল্প হলেও সত্যি)
We know the famous story of “TOTA KAHINI” by TAGORE. We know the last result/conclusion and end of the story.
So I think, the time factor 45/48 hrs. of classes does not improve, not possible to the students. It is possible, if the infrastructures of all the schools changed to residential for teacher and students. Then the aims of UNICEF,SSM will success. Other wise not.
Thanks a lot.
Remaining hours are “Preparation hours” which refers to the time required for lesson preparation. It is intended that lesson preparation is to be done by the teachers before taking up scheduled classes and, be duly approved by the HMs. After the schedule classes are over the teachers are required to invest time for assessment of the classworks done by the students as well as assessment of their own performances in the classes. HM is supposed to monitor the entire exercise!
Immediate implementation of this time schedule seems to be difficult as the experts are not convinced to take follow up actions. Refer to the news item in the Anandabazar Patrika issued on 16.10.2012. In some cities, KV teachers have also expressed resentment on the rationale of such policy included in RTE. Some KV teachers again have shown their satisfaction over this policy. Mixed reactions seen!
Mihirbabu I am yet to get the answers of other two questions.