We have already done duties over 45 hrs in a week. If we consider the works: Evaluation of answer script of School, M.P and H.S, many official work like MDM, DISC etc etc., preparation of tabulation, mark sheet many more like that.
Yes, but most of us do some of the above mentioned duties in there home. Then how the time will be calculated? And who will calculate the time? Is it the guardians or the common people or the H.M.? I have heard that the 45 hrs duty will be started from the next session. Is it true?
Salary is paid for performing duties in offices/workplaces and not in homes! H.M. is to monitor the whole exercise. Perhaps no G.O./ Circular has been issued to make the situation clear.
I can’t help making this query to all the respected teachers that whether checking the answer sheets of different exams. including M.P. & H.S. in home is permissible under school education rules of our State? I am asking because I have seen my wife to be always engaged in this type of activity in home without taking care of the education of our kid and other family matters!
Dear friends,
What will be your openion regarding this matter if you read the article published in page 4 of todays (20-11-2012) Anandabazar Patrika with heading “Ondhokarer upore prodiper shikha” by Anirban Chattopadhyay.
Your comments in this topic enlighten with the newspaper article is highly expected.