You are correct. Before going to the discussion, we must have a clear view about the categories of the employees who get their salary from Government ( directly or indirectly). (1) Purely Government like regular Staffs of different Government Offices , hospitals,Firms 9 like seed firms), Police , and Government School. No. of such Schools is very limited. Only the Zilla Schools , Hindu School, Hare School and Taki Government School comes under this purview ( please elaborate the list ) . Teachers of these schools are transferred on regular basis and they can not submit their nomination in any election ( like Panchayat, Minicipal , Bidhansabha or Loksabha). Any staff whose entry level basic pay was erstwhile scale 12 or promotion scale was scale 12 , is entitled to attestation. (2) Government aided: This list is the maximum. All the schools ( sponsored or aided ) , whether the teachers are recruited through SSC or Pry. Service Commission, falls under this category. Corporation,Munipality, Zilla Parisad or Panchays are treated as ‘ Local government ‘. Hence, employees of these offices are not treated as Government Official except some posts which are treated as ‘ on deputation ‘. These are like Executive Officer ( of Zilla Parisad and Municipality ), Finance Officer (of Zilla Parisad and Municipality ) , Secretary etc. In Gram Panchayat Level, only Executive Officer post is treated as government. Secretary and Job assistant , who get promoted at the said post, are treated as Government employee. Nirman Sahayak, being a staff of local government is not treated as Government employee and can not have an attestation power .