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Dr. Mr. Som,
an AT joined on 9-10-2007 as non-BEd.He has not completed the said training till now. Keeping in consideration the G.O. No.
759-SE(S)/2P-1/09 Dated: Kolkata. The 30th July 2009 , whether he will be entitled to allow the normal annual increment on 01-07-2012.
Another request, your new PF Calculator is not downloaded. Confer your precious suggestion.
Dear friend. Please dont put your query for a particular person. Its an open forum and we are proud to have many knowledgeable persons who have been helping others selflessly. We hope you will also like to do so and encourage others. One thing more, if you have query regarding a particular topic, please post the same on that relevant topic. Eg. If you have any query regarding P.F. Calculator, please post your query there. Your kind co-operation is highly expected. I shall try to reply your query later.
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Yes. He should be allowed the next annual increment. For more information, click the link below. https://wbxpress.com/topic/increment-for-non-b-ed-teachers/
Dear Friend,
You are eligible to get ensuing periodical increment which falls on 01.07.2012 as per present rules. I came to know at reliable source time will be extend up to 2015 for completion of B.Ed degree.
Your another question regarding down load of my friendβs P.F. Calculator. I shall able to down load it. Please try again . With heart full regards.
Dear Mr. Pal, the date by which the B. Ed is required to be completed is 31.03.2015
Mr. Pal please follow the link below and download the G.O. 456-Edn(U) dt. 11.05.2012, in the enclosure (the letter of the Principal Secretary, School Education Department) you would find your answer and let me state there is no specific order about the next two increments (2013 and 2014) of untrained deputed teachers, till date. Therefore, it may be assumed School Edn Dept has “no objection” in this regard. Hope this will help you
N.B. – There is a specific order about upper primary teachers, i will try to upload that very soon.
Dear friend’
Thank you for your suggestion. I have seen the new order. Please see I have write ” you are eligible to get increment 2012″ not 13 &14.
But I came to know at reliable source it. Unfortunately not yet released. Don’t mind my friend. I think now it was wrong information. All the best, take care.
I didn’t mind dear friend. Actually a few more friends asked these questions to me in pm. I thought it would be easier to share, what i know, here in this page, so i wrote it down here. I somehow know there are “17000” such teachers with these questions or confusion. I meant no argument. After all we all are friends here.
Friend digitaldoc,
I agree with you that we all are friends and want to share something each other. Don’t mind also you. my speech was eligible up to ’12 Probability up to ’14. See G.O. up to ’12. With regards.