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please write to prime minister public grievances for your problem. He solves your problem gratefully
I am working in a govt.aided college in west bengal as contractual clerk since 2007 and getting salary from college fund. May I get benefit as per West bengal govt.’s financial order no. 9008F (P)dt. 16/09/2011. If yes,then kindly let me know the procedure.
I am working as a Data Entry Operator in a ICDS project office from last 5 years and working 20 days per month. I got my payment as a skill rated worker, but no appointment letter or contract paper issue from my of in my name. Now I want to know is the Finance Department Memorandum No. No. 9008-F(P), dated 16.09.2011 is applicable for me and I can get the benefits as a Group “C”? And ia also want to know is 1348-F dt. 06.03.2017 memo no is applicable for me .Please reply and oblige. my Email .id is – sajald733@ gmail.com,
sir ,i am working in icds gujarat from 2014 as a contract base employee as block coordinator,we have chance for permanant employee? reply me please in ashishwasmo@gmail.com
I am Subrata Kumar Dey, working continuously in Honorary Health Worker (HHW) Scheme under Bankura Municipality as Accounts Assistant on contractual basis since 2004. Is this finance order No. 9008-F(P) dated 16.09.2011, applicable for me? please reply as early as possible . e-mail Id ā subratahhw@gmail.com
I am working as a Data Entry Operator in a SDO office from last 9 years and working 27 days per month. I got my payment as a daily rated worker, but no appointment letter or contract paper issue from my of in my name. Now I want to know is the Finance Department Memorandum No. No. 9008-F(P), dated 16.09.2011 is applicable for me and I can get the benefits as a Group āCā? And ia also want to know is 1107-F(P)dt. 25.02.2016 memo no is applicable for me .Please reply and oblige. my Email .id is ā sabya.bir@gmail.com
I am working as a Data Entry Operator in a SDO office from 12.01.2010 and working 27 days per month. I got my payment as a daily rated worker, but no appointment letter or contract paper issue from my of in my name. Now I want to know is the Finance Department Memorandum No. No. 9008-F(P), dated 16.09.2011 is applicable for me and I can get the benefits as a Group āCā? And ia also want to know is 1107-F(P)dt. 25.02.2016 memo no is applicable for me .Please reply and oblige. my Email .id is ā sabya.bir@gmail.com
Dear Sir,
I am working in Himayat Nagar post office, Hyderabad, Telangana, telangana Indian postal circle, from 2001 to till date (last 17 years) as a Contingent employee. I am passed SSC & IIT & i am 46year old.
Sir any chance to regularize the my job, please kindly give me any suggestions & send me (Email id jitender_singh0601@yahoo.co.in) any details like a circular / any court judgement copy any etc.
Thanking you sir,
Jitender singh
Sir iam workin gp tax collector contractual but our remuniration not increase
Arpan Roy Chowdhury
Sir, I am working as a Computer Operator in a AE office, West Bengal from 01.12.2015 and working 27 days per month. I got my payment as a daily rated worker. Now I want to know is the Finance Department Memorandum No. No. 9008-F(P), dated 16.09.2011 is applicable for me and I can get the benefits as a Group āCā? And i also want to know is 1107-F(P) dt. 25.02.2016 memo no is applicable for me .Please reply and oblige. my Email .id is ā arpanroychowdhury6@gmail.com