
Collection of BIN No.

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    To submit the quarterly statement of Form 24Q and Form 26Q online, DDO will need the BIN No. of the three months of the quarter.
    BIN NO is the acknowledgement no. of Form 24G which is uploaded by the treasury monthly. BIN No. consists of the following three:
    A) Seven digit receipt No.
    B) Five digit DDO serial No.
    C) Date which is the last date of the concerned month.
    The seven digit receipt no. of a month is same for all the DDOs of a particular treasury. For example, the receipt No. for the month of April ’13 of all the DDOs of Hooghly Treasury-I will be same.
    The five digit DDO serial no. of a month is different for all the DDOs of a particular treasury. For example, the DDO serial no. for the month of April ’13 of the DDOs of Hooghly Treasury-I will be different from each other.
    Date will be 30/04/2013.
    Now,it is really difficult for the DDOs to collect the BIN no from the treasury every month. So, register your TAN no. with the website http://www.tin-nsdl.com to get the BIN no. every month directly. Registration is simple, you have to give some details and you will get your password.
    Remember, uploading of Form 24Q/ Form 26Q with incomplete BIN no. will cost you in future. You will get penalty notices since the tax deducted will not be posted in the proper ledger if BIN is not quoted properly.

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