
Compensatory Casual Leave (CCL)

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    Please post the G.O./G.Os clearly mentioning whether the State Govt. Group-A Employees (Gazette Officers) are entitled to enjoy any Compensatory Casual Leave (CCL). Our department is not allowing any CCL to the Officers. Please help me to be sure about the matter.


    As per Appendix 10 of WBSR – I, there are provisions for sanctioning half days Casual Leave or Compensatory Casual Leave on the 1st half or the 2nd half of the day.
    It is applicable to all, as the rule is not specified for any particilar Group of employees.
    There is no special G.O. I found for Group-A Employees (Gazette Officers)


    @dkbiswas: Welcome to the forum.
    Please write the name of your department. Apparently, CCL is not for Officers.


    In Health Services the emergency staffs get CCL. At OPD there is only ten Govt. Holidays. As on the other holiday OPD remain open , the OPD Staffs (Pharmacist etc) get CCL as far I know. Will you help me with the G.O. of West Bengal Govt. (E-mail: pkk@rediffmail.com)


    Please enlighten me whether a Gr. A employee can avail CCL or not. Is there any specific GO regarding CCL eligibility of MOs in Health Services? (I am a Medical Officer in WBHS)


    Please enlighten me whether a Gr. A employee can avail CCL or not. Is there any specific GO regarding CCL eligibility of MOs in Health Services? (I am a Medical Officer in WBHS)

    In Health Services the emergency staffs get CCL. At OPD there is only ten Govt. Holidays. As on the other holiday OPD remain open , the OPD Staffs (Pharmacist etc) get CCL as far I know. Will you help me with the G.O. of West Bengal Govt. (E-mail: pkk@rediffmail.com)

    I am also eager to know whether there is any specific GO of W.B Govt about getting CCL for OPD Staffs like Medical Technologists. My e-mail address is debiprasadmishra148@gmail.com


    Please see the attachment. I think, our State Govt. framed the the CCL rules from this. Please see the State Govt. rules posted so many times in this forum. All female employees are permissible for this kind of leave.

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