Respected Sir,
With heavey heart I want to inform you ( thou I come to know Above notice) that I’m the one candidate of same job. My husband late Nirmal ku. Roy was an assistant employee in lalbazar and I applied for the job according the rule of-97Emp, dated 6-6-2005 after his death on 7-4-2007.
From the notice I came to know that there two options for the candidates
(1) The son & unmarried daughter.
(2) The wife.
The first option showes the age lebel after 18 but the 2nd option there no any mention about age limite.
I expect from about 7 years cause of my poor financial condition and my husband left me with an unlimit burden of loan. I have one daughter recently got married. I’m totally alone now. The department handed me a little amount of death benefits after deduction all, his even personal loans. This long time the file was neglected but now I breke up myself they make the report of enquiry and send it to the home police department File no.PA5S-1332012. I have also a state bank HB loan left by my hasband is great headache wich apporaximate amount is about 7 lacks, the bank noticed me several times to pay up but I consoled after paid the job I’ll repay. But now all in vain? I know, that the job of compassionate ground is very confutional about its own rules and conditions but then why the panel?Why I rust my shoes from 7 years? if you kindly pay attention on my enquiry report then you must be pleased , its my hearty pray to you pls. consider the file with humanically then you can save the life of the same candidate.
Barasat. Sincerely—-
Dated-3|7|2013 Smt. Balaka Roy.
WO-Late Nirmal ku. Roy.
* Its the question from me, if the wife is a ligal cadidate then why not the age mention in the rules. And thou the wivese are claims her as a partner of job then why not lighted the preferance age marks for them in your same notice the suspense object of govt. The chapter cleams a meaningfull clarification. The panel must be serialed as per the age of the wives is the clear process.