While generating pay bills in COSA ,u can save .doc files (word files) and .txt files(text document). If u are preparing a bill and provided all the data,u need not worry about the contents of the file.just save it in removable data storage device( i.e. CD or pendrive,treasuries are preparing CD in the initial stage) and submit it to treasury.
More elaborately speaking,the data in the billsummary.txt consists of month of the pay bill,bill no and date,department code and demand no,gross amount,net amount,by transfer details to specific receipt heads,sub detail head and respective amount etc. These data is saved in specific format using seperators ,so that when the contents are uploaded to the oracle based Treasury computerised package, the data get uploaded autimatically.
The data in personnel.txt is meant for direct use by finance department,and they can access it from treasury database..