Respected Members, Please let me know how can I proceed/prepare pension papers of a Death Case. I mean, if a government employee having advance either House Building Advance or Any other advance and after few months the respective employee had died without completing repayment of such loan. How can I prepared pension papers of such case? Is there any G.O. / guidelines etc? Please help me!
-Jaymangal Misir, Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur.
In such cases, the outstanding amount of principal and interest is required to be waved by making an order by the Loan sanctioning authority in terms of Finance Department No. 764- FB dated 26.04.1993 and 743-FB dated 30-03-2004.
A letter should be written by the Head of Office to the Loan Sanctioning authority for waving the amount.
I am posting a sample of the letter below:
NO.____________ Dated:
The ___________________,
Sub: Waiving recovery of outstanding balance of the principal amount and interest due to Late Bikash Roy, Ex. Group âD staff.
I have the honour to submit that Late Bikash Roy, Ex. Group âD staff of this Office expired on 25-02-2012 while In service. He took House Building loan of Rs. 1,78,750/- only sanctioned by your honour vide Order No.239/M dated 15-10-2001 convoyed under Memo No. 1069(6)/A dated 15-10-2011 (Xerox copies of which enclosed for ready reference) out of which Rs. 1,74,160/- has been recovered in 112 equal monthly instalments of Rs 1555/- and an amount of Rs 4590/- remains outstanding. That apart interest accorded Rs 74,918/- as calculated by the AGWB. Kolkata also outstanding. Total outstanding Rs 79,500/-.
Pension papers together with Service Book of Late Roy were sent to the Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Kolkata, seeking admissibility report for releasing Family Pension and Death Gratuity etc. But the A.G.W.B., Kolkata in his letter No. BS.VIII.HBA.CH6/D/Vol.III/563 dated 25-04-2012 (Xerox copy attached) sought for a specific order from the loan sanctioning Authority waiving the outstanding principal and interest total Rs. 79,508/- in respect of the deceased lonee late Bikash Roy in terms of Finance Department No. 764 FB dated 26.04.1993 and No.743-FB dated 30-03-2004 since he died in harness.
I, therefore, request your honour to kindly issue a specific waiving order indicating outstanding principal and Interest in respect of deceased lonee late Bikash Roy so as to enable this Office to resubmit the pension papers and Service Book of Late Roy for releasing Family pension and Death Gratuity etc to the Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Kolkata at an early date.
Enclo: As above Yours faithfully,
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
No. 764-FB Dated, Calcutta, the 26th April,1993
Sub: Waiving recovery of outstanding balance of the principal amount and interest due to the Government on account of house-building advances granted to the Government employees of this State who die in harness.
House-Building advances are granted to the employees of the Stale Government under rules 308 to 312 of West Bengal Financial Rules, Volume-1 read with Government orders regulating the grant of such advances issued from the lime to time. For sometime past, Government had under consideration the question of waiving the recovery of outstanding balance of the principal amount and interest due to the Government on account of house-building advances granted to the Government employees of this State Government, who die in harness before full recovery of the advance/interest.
2. With a view to mitigating the financial hardship of the concerned bereaved families due to premature death of the loanee Government servants, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to decide that the recovery of the entire amount of the outstanding principal amount and the accumulated interest due to the Government on account of house-building advances drawn by the Government employees of this State Government, who die in harness, be waived on compassionate ground.
3. This order takes effect from the 15th July,1992.
4. Necessary amendment will be made in West Bengal Financial Rules, Volume-I in due course.
Sd- S. Barma
Assistant Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department,
Budget Branch.
No.743-F.B dated , the Kolkata 30th March, 2004
Sub:- waving recovery of outstanding balance of the principal amount and interest due to the Government on account of House Building advances granted to the Government employees of this State who die in harness.
In continuation of this Department memorandum No. 764-F.B dated the 26th April , 1993 on the above subject , the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the competent authority to waive recovery of outstanding balance of the Principal amount , and interest due to Government towards House Building Advances drawn by the Government employees of this State , who die in harness, is the same as the authority competent to sanction House Building Advances in respect of such employees.
Necessary clarifications to that effect will be incorporated in W.B.F.R , Vol-I in due course.
Sd/- Deputy Secretary to the
Govt. of W.B
Source: http://www.faeto.org
I think, I will prepare the respective death pension case completely with your cordial help in this matter. Thank you very much.
-Jaymangal Misir, Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur.
You are welcome friend. Now its looking good with all the related G.O.s.
I am posting below one latest waving Order exclusively in this forum which may be helpful for many of my friends.
Government of West Bengal
Panchayats & Rural Development Department
63, N.S. Road (1st Floor), Kolkata – 700 001.
No.3289-RD(Block)/5M-15/2011 Dated, the 09th Mav. 2012
The undersigned is directed to say that Late Tapan Kumar Chatterjee, Ex-Orderly Peon under B.D.O., Kalna-I, in the district of Bardhaman, was granted Rs.1,89,000/- vide this Department’s Order No. 1524-P&RD(Block)/3L-18/2000 dated 12.03.02 for construction of a residential house. The principal amount of the said loan was due to recover from the pay of Tapan Kumar Chatterjee in 108 monthly instalments @ Rs.1750/-. But 97 instalments of the principal amount of the loan was recovered while Tapan Kumar Chatterjee died in harness on 12.12.2010. So the remaining 11 instalments of the principal amount i.e. II x Rs.1750/- = Rs. 19,250/- along with the interest accrued thereon was not paid due to death of the Incumbent.
2.Now the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to decide that the recovery of the entire amount of the outstanding principal amount i.e. Rs. 19.250/- (Rupees nineteen thousand two hundred fifty) only and the accumulated interest due to the Government on account of the House Building advances drawn by Late Tapan Kumar Chatterjee, who died in harness, is being waved on compassionate ground as per Finance Department’s Order No.764-FB dated 28.04.93.
3. This order issues with concurrence of Finance Department (Gr.- N)’s U.O. No.0060 dated 20.04.12.
Sd/- S. Halder
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.
No. 3289/1(7)-RD(Block)/5M-15/2011 Dated, the 09th May, 2012
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to: –
I.The Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata.
2.The Accountant General (Audit-II), West Bengal, 18, Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata
3.The Distict Magistrate, Bardhaman.
4.The Block Development Officer. Kalna-I Development Block with reference to his Memo No. 1138 dated 30.06.11.
5.The Treasury Officer, Kalna.
6.The Budget Cell of this Department.
7.Smt. Mina Rani Chatterjee, W/o Late Tapan Kumar Chatterjee, Ex-Orderiv Peon under Kalna-I Development Block, Bardhaman, Lichutala, Kalna.
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.