Is there any exact definition of Vacation provided in the rule book for teachers? What is a vacation? May two or more consecutive holidays in any way be regarded as a vacation? Is there any stipulated number of hlidays in successions that altogether make up a vacation? If not, then if a teacher remains absent from school on the reopening day after the school itself remains non-functional for five or six days after the publication of Annual Results, will that particular leave be regarded as ML instead of CL?
1.When there are holidays more than 7 days at a stretch it is known as Vacation in schools.
2.After publication of Annual Results, when the school remains non-functional, all the staff are supposed to come and record their attendance as usual, if it is not not declared holidays/vacation by the school authority. Remember, If your school has already consumed 65 holidays for this session, this non-functional period cannot be declared as holidays/vacation.