i am a pg scaled teacher since 2011, can i able to do another m.a in different subject with out taking any permission because it is in same scale.
2> i want to do m.a in different subject because i want to increase my opportunity to go nearer school of my domicile.
3>will switching to different subject(pg scale to pg scale) cause any harm to my continuation?
Pursuing a study course by in-service teacher without permission of the School Authority or DI, as the case may be, shall not fetch him/her attached financial benefits especially in the matter of claiming past service benefits. The qualifications acquired without prior knowledge/approval shall not be counted by the SSC while considering his/her name for service continuation in another teaching job in a new school. In that case, the teacher has to appear as a FRESH candidate before SSC for new service at the cost of his/her previous teaching service already rendered in a school. It’s a loss for him/her especially when he/she has served for considerable period as a teacher (say, for 3 years or more). It may matter greatly in case of pensionary benefits where length of service plays a very vital role.
4>can i able to do this pg with bed in odl?
As I know it is permitted to pursue two such courses simultaneously! Pls see the discussion from the following link:
M.sc final year & b.ed first year at the same time
Other forum members, especially the teachers, may comment more on this issue.