Inadvertently one extra installment for repayment of GPF Loan has been recovered from salary. Now, what is the procedure to get back that excess recovered amount? Pls, suggest.
it’s ok, but the staff needs the amont in cash just now, not after some years.
The official suggested to compensate from his actual share from his next month sal.
suppose, his share is Rs. 3000/- GPF share will be Rs. 1000/- in the nxt month, as Rs. 2000/- has been recovered in excess. thanx.
while withdrawing refundable advance from GPF there is a rule that a employee can get 3 months of PAY. I want 2 know that what the PAY mean? What it inclues?
Please read Dearness Pay instead of Dearness allowance.
The amount of advance shall not be exceed three month’s pay of the subscriber or three-fourth of the balance standing at the credit of the subscriber, whichever is less.
It shall be recovered 10-24 installments.
Please read Dearness Pay instead of Dearness allowance.
The amount of advance shall not be exceed three month’s pay of the subscriber or three-fourth of the balance standing at the credit of the subscriber, whichever is less.
It shall be recovered 10-24 installments.
3 months of pay I understood but pay means what? Basic+GP+DA or Basic+GP only?