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Dear Jagadish. Please dont call me “Sir”. i like the word “Friend” or “Brother”. Most of the members also like the same. We are glad to see you so positive and hope to see you participating on various aspects. Its always to know something and share something here. Now you are also a valuable member of this community and you also bear the responsibility to encourage others to join us. For any kind of technical help you may have a look at this link. You may also post your suggestions for improvement of this site. Best of luck bro.
If you are a pass course teacher, then in no way, you can be forced to take HS level classes. You are not entitled to do any sort of clerical works also. If you are forced, you have every option to deny.
Does the HM using him for DOMESTIC or personal service purpose! Does this G.O. imply any right to deny!!!! Please read!!!
Notification No. S/18 dated 14-1-2005
9. Employment of official subordinates – No teacher shall employ any official subordinate staff on regular DOMESTIC work or for his personal service.
11. Collective Functioning – Every teacher shall practise, promote and encourage collective functioning in the interest of academic and administrative efficiency of the institution and achievement of national goal.
14. Attendance and sincere discharge of duties etc.
Every Teacher and non-teaching staff shall abide by the orders or circulars issued by the concerned authority as to punctuality, regular attendance, attendance at assembly prayer, TAKING ALLOTED CLASSES, completion of syllabus and other instructions contained in such orders or circulars.
I read all the discussion under this topic. But if the school authority is cruel enough to an Assistant Teacher then what he/she have to do? In this regard, I want to draw your kind attention about an incident held in a girls school.
Assistant Teacher for physical education of the said school was pregnant and she was taking her class in 6th period sitting on a chair. Suddenly 4th class staff of the school snatch the chair from her as per instruction of HM of the school. Subsequently she inform the HM and ask for the resion. HM behaved rudely and denied. The Assistant Teacher filed a complain against HM to the MC. Unfortunately no election process is there for selecting Teacher Representative. As a result HM select all the Teacher Representatives according to her choice and preference, and the Teacher Representatives do all things according to HM’s instruction. In the MC meeting they compiled her to withdraw her application by pressure, saying that she may face further more problem and will in trable if she don’t withdraw the application. After that she compiled to withdraw her letter. Now the HM of the school is ask her to teach BENGALI in spite of she is an Assistant Teacher of Physical Education. There are sufficient teacher in Bengali in that school. The Bengali Teachers sit idly. The HM asked students about the teaching of the said Assistant Teacher. Naturally she was not comfort to teach Bengali. Gurdains of the school use to complain about her. In this position the said teacher is so much mental harashed that she will compel to give off her job.
We all read a news in the daily news paper that one Police Officer committed suicide for mental harassment, blaming his senior (an IPS officer).
We also know that one special committee was formed to judge the reason for resignation of BSF Jawan from their job. And the committee reported that the misbehave and ignorance of higher officer is the main cause of the same.
I want to draw the attention of every body about the fact that the Job Environment of our state is detoriating every day. There is so much politics in stead of humanity. General public is hanging in the complexity of law. The persons who have power and authority, misuses the same. Is not there any way to do any thing against this?
There is a saying which goes like this-“When the going gets tough, the toughs get going”. The situation of the PE as described above is indeed very tough. So unless she herself cannot stand upto it, nobody or no advice from outside will help her cause. All she can do now is to send her complaint to the Secretary of the managing committee describing the maltreatment of the HM in detail with copy of the same to the D.I. Of course the HM will try strongarm tactics to make her withdraw the complaint but if she remains firm after few days the situation will improve.