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Yes.My school has maintained a new P.F ledger.thanks a lot.
In case of the retired teacher,the interest will stop after 6 months from the date of retirement. But when we claim for withdrawn the P.F., then the A.I. disburse the principal and interest amount up to the date of retirement.But the interest of that year will not reached to the school for not ending the financial year. So,this interest will be calculated and received by the retired teacher in two times.
In case of resigned teacher, there is no bar to calculate the interest in first school. In another school the appointed teacher will open a new account and subscribes his/her amount. After resignation (i) he will apply to his previous school for withdrawn his P.F. with interest.(ii) Then the H.M. forward it to the A.I.(iii) A.I. gives the cheque to the school. (iv) School deposits it in their account. (v)When it will be cash,then the school disburses it in cheque to the incumbent. (vi) Now the incumbent clears the cheque in his/her own account. (vii) He/She will go to the treasury and filled T.R.7 form in 4 copies and signed by the treasury officer.(viii) Now he/she will go to the Bank and pay the same in cash or cheque. (ix) Bank will give one of four copies to the incumbent and other will send to the treasury. (X) The incumbent informed to his/her new school to add the amount in his account and the copy affixed in service book.
Can you please elaborate the final payment in case of death?
In which final payment? Please write clearly and briefly.
Thanks for the post, and ‘SUBHA NABABARSHA TO YOU AND ALL THE MEMBERS’.. I am a transferred Teacher and I followed the same procedure to deposite my P.F from old school to new school head. But I don’t know, whether it (p.f transfer and date of deposit, amount etc.) will be recorded in my service book or not… Thanks again.
Kindly send me the Final PF Calculation For Retired Assistant Teacher
Firstly I want to ask, if correctly did the calculation of return at the time of return of his share of CPF and the Govt. share?
Follow the out line:-
1) According to the audit report, from which year his CPF deducted ?
2) In which year it stopped?
3) Govt. share and own share will be same.
4) Make a consolidated statement as follows :-
Make sure the same had done that time.
Then when you will want to withdrawn final P.F.,follow this-
Year of Deposit.docx