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i am a asstt.master in govt. school at the time of joining my gp was 4700 under ropa 2009 then after 8 year i got one CAS which was under GP 4800 then I completed my M.A in the same subject. my dept. also allowed to me to draw M.A scale. but the problem is that the GP was same as 8 years benefit i.e 4800. in this situation some of my staff say if you fix your pay in this GP you will not be allowed to take 16 years benefit .please help me what to do?
What is this? No one is able to my answer in west Bengal?
viii) When a Govt. employee comes within the quota of first higher grade in the first higher scale under the existing promotional policy after getting the first higher scale in accordance with the Career Advancement Scheme but before completion of sixteen years of service, he will not be eligible to get any fixation benefit for the second time. He will, however, remain eligible for second higher scale after total service of 16 years and the third higher scale after total service of 25 years, provided he ha s not been promoted/appointed to higher scale during the intervening periods. If the scale of the first higher grade is the same as the second higher scale, the pay of the Govt . grade, will be fixed u/r. 42(1) (i employee on his appointment to first higher ) from the first higher scale. He will, however, be eligible for the benefit of pay fixation in the same scale of pay u/r. 42A (1) of WBSR, PartI on completion of total service of 16 years and for advancement to third higher scale the pay of the Govt. emp loyee on his appointment to first higher grade will, as usual, be fixed u/r. 42 (1) (i) from the first higher scale but he will be entitled to the fixation benefits u/r. 42A (1), ibid, on completion of total sixteen and twenty five years service provided h e does not get further functional/nonfunctional promotion during the period.
Ref: Career Advancement Scheme for W.B. Govt. Employees | WBXPress
I had joined in 2005 with GP 4700 and Got CAS in 2013 with GP 4800 then I did M.A in 2014 I also got the order from my dept to draw higher scale with GP 4800 .
My problem is that my GP was same as my 8 year benefit in this situation my staff says if you fix your pay on that scale you will lose your 16 years benefit is it true?