Government of West Bengal
Judicial Department.
Writer’s Building, Kolkata-1.
No. 1331-J/JD/L/2S-23/04(Pt.-1), Dated the 20th March, 2006.
From: Shri S.K. Chakraborty, Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The Sr. Accountant General (A & E), Treasury Building, Kolkata-700001.
Sub: Supply of Newspaper/Magazine to the Judicial Officers of the West Bengal Judicial Service.
I am directed to invite a reference to the above and to say that as per direction of the Honāble Supreme Court dated 06.12.2005 read with dated 07.02.2006 the question of supply of Newspaper to the Judicial Officers of the State is under consideration of the Government.
After careful consideration of the matter in partial modification of this Departmentās G.O. No.5282(18)-J dated 2nd September, 2003 the Governor has been pleased to order that all Judicial Officers in the rank of Civil Judge (Jr. Divn.), Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.) and and District Judge of the West Bengal Judicial Service shall be entitled to one national and one regional Newspaper and one Magazine as per his entitlement through his local hawker upon payment at the first instance and the officer would claim reimbursement from the office after purchasing the original bill.
This order is issued in compliance with the directions of the Honāble Supreme Court of India dated 06-12-2005 read with order dated 07-02-2006 passed in Writ Petition (Civil) No.1022 of 1989 and with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No.1095 Group āPā (Service) dt. 16.03.2006.
Yours faithfully,
(S.K. Chakraborty)
Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
Judicial Department
Writersā Building,
No. 5144 āJ/JD/L/ 2S-23/04 (VI), Dated, Kolkata, the 20th July, 2009
From: Shri A.K. Roy, Secretary-in-Charge to the Govt. of west Bengal.
To: The Principal Accountant General (A&E), W.B. Treasury Building, Kolkata-700001.
Sub: Implementation of the recommendation of the Shetty Commission for the STENOGRAPHERS attached to the different sub-ordinate courts in the State – Regarding recruitment rules, promotion policies, qualifications, and traveling allowances etc.
In compliance with direction of the Honāble Supreme Court of India dt. 11.2.09 passed in I.A. No.s 71A, 135-136, 137-138 and 142 in w. p. (c) No. 1022/1989 and as per the decision taken in the matter in the meeting held in the chamber of the Principal Secretary, Finance Department of West Bengal on 30.3.09, I am directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to decide to implement the following recommendations w.e.f. 01.4.03:-
1) Stenographers in court will be classified into three grades:-
(i) Stenographer Grade-III ( Grade-C)
(ii) Stenographer Grade-II ( Grade-B)
(iii) Stenographer Grade-I ( Grade-A)
However, retention of the existing pay scales of Stenographer Grade-I ( Grade-A) is to be maintained hierarchical structure in the court administration.
2) Method of Recruitment , Promotion, Seniority and Status.
The existing method of recruitment and promotion to these three cadres will be continued but exclusively by the District Court Administration without any reference to the State Government.
There shall be a separate seniority list District wise for the Stenographers working in the Courts and promotion will be made in accordance with the said seniority list. Court Stenographers should not be included in the general seniority list maintained by the Government.
3) Personal Assistant to the Principal District & Sessions Judge and Principal City Civil Court Judge.
The incumbent of this post is to be selected by the Principal District Judge/ Principal City Civil Judge according to his choice amongst the Stenographers Grade-I. The post is designated as Executive Assistant to Principal District & Sessions Judge/ Principal City Civil Court Judge. A special allowance of Rs. 200/- p. m. inclusive of Travel ling and Compensatory Allowance is recommended.
4) No. of Stenographers to be given to each Judge.
(a) Civil Judge ( Jr. Div.)/ Magistrate—- One Grade-III Stenographer
(b) Civil Judge( Sr.Div.)/CJM/CMMāOne Grade-II Stenographer
(c) Principal Dist. & Sess. Judge—One Grade-I Stenographer and the Principal City Civil Court JudgeāOne Executive Assistant.
5) Pool of Stenographers.
In City Civil courts and in district Headquarters, where there is cluster of Courts, each Judge is to be provided with a Stenographer and there may be a pool of Stenographers to be determined by the High Court to meet the requirements.
6) Permission to switch over to ministerial / supervisory cadre:-
May be permitted after completion of a minimum period of service ( to be determined by the high Court).
7) This order is issued with concurrent of the Finance (A) Department vide there U.O. No. 156 Gr.āPā (Service) dt. 01.06.09.
All concerned including all Treasury Officers, Calcutta Pay & Accounts Office-I & II, W.B. are also informed accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
(A.K. Roy)
No. 17141-J, Dated, Calcutta 20.9.1995
In compliance with the directions of the Supreme Court of India in respect of providing residential accommodation to all Judicial Officers in the State of West Bengal the Governor has been pleased to lay down the following guidelines:
Top-most priority should be given for allotting Govt. Quarters to the Judicial Officers;
Attempts should be made for requisitioning the private house in the event Govt. accommodations are not available readily;
Attempts should be made for requisitioning the private houses which are occupied by Judicial Officers and in case, it is not possible to make such requisition of those house/flats, the amount of rent paid by such officers for the hired house in excess of House Rent Allowance admissible to them under normal rules would be borne by Govt. till they are provided with accommodation owned/hired by Govt. In such cases, the floor space of the hired house shall not be much in excess of the admissible limit.
This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group P (Service) No. 2542 dated 30.8.95.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- D.P. Sarkar
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
Judicial Department.
Writer’s Building, Kolkata-1.
No. 1332-J/JD/L/2S-23/04(Pt.-1), Dated the 20th March, 2006.
From: Shri S.K. Chakraborty, Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The Sr. Accountant General (A & E), Treasury Building, Kolkata-700001.
Sub: Admissibility of Robe Allowance to the Judicial Officers of the West Bengal Judicial Service.
I am directed by the order of the Governor to say that in supersession of G.O. No. 5036-J dt.17-02-1992 the Governor has been pleased to sanction to the payment of a lump sum amount of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand) only as Robe Allowance once in five years to all the members of the West Bengal Judicial Service.
This order is issued in compliance with the directions of the Honāble Supreme Court of India dated 06-12-2005 read with order dated 07-02-2006 passed in Writ Petition (Civil) No.1022 of 1989 and with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No.1095 Group āPā (Service) dt. 16.03.2006.
Yours faithfully,
(S.K. Chakraborty)
Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
Judicial Department.
Writer’s Building, Kolkata-1.
No. 820-J/JD/L/2A-03/07, Dated the 15th February, 2007
From: Shri S.K. Chakraborty, Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The Sr. Accountant General (A & E), Treasury Building, Kolkata-700001.
Sub: Grant of sumptuary allowance to the members of West Bengal Judicial Service.
With reference to the recommendations of the First National Judicial Commission (Shetty Commission) , I am directed to invite a reference to above and to say that the Governor has been pleased to sanction sumptuary allowance to all members of the West Bengal Judicial Service w.e.f. 1st November, 1999 at the following rate per mensem:-
This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. No.3192 dated 31.08.06. This cancels this Departmentās Order No.26-SJ dated 12.2.2007.
Category of Judicial Officer: Per Mensem
District Judge, Entry Level and above: Rs.1,000/-
Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.)CJM/ACJM: Rs. 750/-
Civil Judge (Jr. Divn.)/JM: Rs. 500/-
Provided further that the retired Judicial Officers including members of erstwhile Higher Judicial Service or those who are elevated from State Judicial Service will also be entitled to draw the arrears w.e.f. 01.11.1999 till the date of their retirement or elevation as the case may be from the establishment from which their last pay was drawn.
The charge is debitable from the sub-detailed head ā07-Other allowancesā subordinate to the Detailed Head ā01-Salariesā under the respective salary heads of the concerned Judicial Officers.
This order is issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No.3192 dated 31.8.2006.
This cancels this Department earlier Order No.722-J dated 09.02.2007.
Yours faithfully,
(S.K. Chakraborty)
Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.
Use of Telephone.
Regarding use of Telephone.
Water and electricity charges.
Regarding Water and electricity charges.
No. 4854-F Dt. 25.6.07
Sub: Instruction regarding release of fund from Kolkata Pay & Accounts office and the Treasures.
In continuation of Para 2 of this Department Memorandum No. 2623-F, dated 30.03.2007 the undersigned is directed to convey the decision of the Government that bills towards Composite Transfer Grant, payable to all members of West Bengal Judicial Service w.e.f. 01.04.2007, may be passed by the Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office and the Treasuries in anticipation of allotment of Fund subject to observance of terms and conditions laid down in Judicial Deptt.ās order ibid and subject to the bills being otherwise admissible.
Sd/ P.K.Guha Roy
O.S.D. & E.O. Special Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal.
Revised rate of financial benefit as per recommendation of Padmanabhan Commission.
Thats all. Thanks to the site admin for helping me in this regard.