As per the latest order of the SSC regarding GT neither resignation by the candidate is required to be submitted nor appointment will be issued by the new school as it is done in case of fresh appointment. This has given rise to much dilemma and confusion among the appointing authorities of the schools. They have been found asking- i) if no resignation is submitted, how on earth they will take MC resolution to dissolve the post, ii) if they are not to issue appointment letter to new candidate, on what basis they will be able to take resolution on the implementation of the newly created post and further developments, iii) whether the post of a school is carrried on to another school in case of no termination of the post, iv) how the points for new appointments will be counted as per the 100-point Roster, and v) whether it is actually a fresh appointment for the incumbent.
Not so much confusion about all these Sourish. The releasing school would make resolution and issue Release Order against the incumbent’s application for Release Order and, of course, intimate the same to the concerned DI/s. The application for release order is to be treated as his/her resignation letter and the vacancy occurred by such release is to treated as next vacancy according to the 100 point roster as in case of resignation.
On the other hand, the recommendation letter issued by the concerned DI/s is to be treated as the incumbent’s Appointment Letter in joining school. On the basis of this letter, the release order and joining letter, the new school would make resolution and forward for approval to the concerned DI/s. Thats all.
This clarification is provided by the DI/s of different districts.
Hope its clear now.