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Hello frndz plz wake up and do sumthing for our right…
1500/- is it justice?
plz…wake up….wake up …wake up
and stay in toucht…..
Name – Yash
Post – GRS
Distt. – Solan
State – Himachal Pradesh
email :- raj.yash733@gmail.com
me mumtaz ali grs up in india.
Hon. Prime Minister
Government Of India
New Delhi
Sub: About Nationwide struggle for the demands of Gram Rojgar Sevak & working Staff under MG-NREGA
We are the representative Federation 0f organizations of the Gram Rojgar Sevak (working personals for the MG-NREGA & MREGS at Village level) registered under Trade Union Act 1926 in the all states of India.
The NREGA passed By Parliament of India has started Implementation in all over India Apr 2008. This has a Great importance & significance for the rural Masses Of India. This is the only available opportunity to the millions of landless & migrant rural Labor for employment in the villages. This is the best option available for increasing purchase power of rural poor & to impart development works.
The history of India has shown helping hand of the Rulers to the people suffering drought & Famine whether it is Medieval or Modern ERA!
Unfortunately Government of India Failed to address the correct Implementation Methodology in UPA II regime. That is what has been seen on National Scenario for implementation of NREGA with Union Government Funds. India is lagging behind for utilizing this opportunity to enhance purchasing power of millions of rural poor
Despite the good act & necessary budgetary provisions the UPA2 Union government failed to perform due to lack of political will in favor of rural poor failed to Implement MG-NREGA
Many State governments under the pressure of powerful lobbies of Builders-Contractors (Who enjoys the fruits of migration of rural poor with the cheapest labor force in World) has not performed the duty & task mentioned in the provisions of NREGA such as to
3rd edition 2008
i) State Employment Guarantee Council (SEGC): A State Employment Guarantee Council (or State Council) is to be set up by every State Government under Section 12 of NREGA. The SEGC shall advise the State Government on the implementation of the Scheme, and evaluate and monitor it. Other roles of the State Council include deciding on the preferred works to be implemented under NREGS, and recommending the proposals of works to be submitted to the Central Government under Schedule I Section 1 (ix) of the Act. The State Council will prepare an Annual Report on the implementation of the NREGS in the State to be presented to the State Legislature.
ii) The State Government will be responsible for:
a) Wide communication of the Scheme
b) Setting up the SEGC
c) Establishing a State Employment Guarantee Fund
d) Ensuring that full time dedicated personnel are in place for implementing NREGA, specially the Gram Panchayat assistant (Gram Rozgar Sahayak) and the Programme Officer, and the technical staff
e) Ensuring that the State share of the NREGS budget is released on time
f) Delegation of financial and administrative powers to the District Programme Coordinator and the Programme Officer, as is deemed necessary for the effective implementation of the Scheme
g) Training
h) Establishing a network of professional agencies for technical support and for quality-control measures
i) Regular review, monitoring and evaluation of NREGS processes and outcomes.
j) Ensuring accountability and transparency in the Scheme at all levels
THE NATIONAL RURAL EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE ACT 2005 (NREGA) & Guidelines OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 2008 3rd edition provides the correct role of Gram Rojgar Sevak as an important development leadership of learned youth to the rural poor & a helping hand from the masses themselves. A learned youth who knows his village better had an opportunity to support & help the job seeker rural labor (who may be his school dropout friend, relative, neighbor, knowing better than government officials staying in cities)
3rd edition 2008
3.1.1 Gram Rozgar Sahayak: The implementation of NREGS involves considerable organizational responsibilities at the level of the Gram Panchayat. To ensure that these are effectively discharged by the Gram Panchayat, the appointment of an Employment Guarantee Assistant, in each Gram Panchayat is suggested. The Employment Guarantee Assistant could be called Gram Rozgar Sahayak, or an equivalent term in the local language. The functions of the Gram Rozgar Sahayak are given in Annexure A4. The function of Gram Rozgar Sahayak(GRS) and the Panchayat Secretary should be clearly distinguished. GRS is a dedicated staff under NREGA. The cost of GRS is the first charge on the administrative expenses under NREGA. To Start with; there should be one GRS in each Gram Panchayat.
Here we want to put forward the issues & concerns about the above mentioned Problems.
1. Many State Governments (including Congress ruled state governments) are violating the (above mentioned & others too) provisions of NREGA
2. All the Gram Rojgar Sevak appointed has not given any kind of appointment letter by the concerned authorities.
3. Most of the Gram Rojgar Sevak has not been given any kind of training
4. Not a single Rupee has paid as remuneration to the thousands of Gram Rojgar Sevak in the duration of Complete Year in Many states Whereas State Govt of Tripura provides the remuneration of Rs 5500/- per Month along with TA & DA.
5. No separate staff has been pooled for the special Task force at Block & ZP Level
6. The Gram Sevak/Village Development Officers were completely boycotting the work MG-NREGA works
7. The India State Govt has Declared the record low wages for EGS work in all over India
8. Many State Govt draws the wrongful Royalty as Revenue for the Excavation Of soils/minor hence forth Bags Funds of Union Govt. to State Govt Account for nothing as per the revenue code/acts
In This Scenario we put forward the following Demands on behalf of the thousands of Gram Rojgar Sevak.
We Demand
1. For the Implementation of NREG act 2005 the entire staff & manpower such as Gram Rojgar Sevak, Technical Assistant, and APO should be made Permanent staff with full scale salary. This full salary & other expenses should be paid by Union Government of India to the State Government as separate grant in aid for implementation of act.
2. The entire Budget on MG-NREGS under NREGA should be spent.
All Jobseekers applied for Registration should get Job Cards as per the provisions of the NREGA
3. Gram Rojgar Sevak should get appointment Letters duly signed by Dist Programme officer.
4. Gram Rojgar Sevak should be Paid Rs 9000/- per month as remuneration along with extra TA & DA and/or, Meeting allowance since the date of Joining April 08. This wages should be same in All over India.All the discriminatory practices should be stopped. .
5. Gram Rojgar Sevak should be given status of Goverment Employee
6. Gram Rojgar Sevak should be appointed in the every village in every State
7. Gram Rojgar Sevak should be provided Good Quality Training
8. Every Grampanchayat should be given a Rojgar Kaksh & basic amenities viz. table cupboard stationery, forms, and notice boards along with Computer & broadband internet..
9. Block should have Implementation Team & ZP should have Co-Ordination & Monitoring team. Here the Gram Rojgar Sevak having Higher Qualifications should get promoted & incorporated.
10. A Separate Cadre should be formed (such as in ICDS project) for Implementation of NREGA
11. Contradictory orders & Practices Conflicting with the NREGA should be withdrawn by all the state governments
12. Transparency & Accountability Rules (Under NREGA) should be strictly followed.
13. The pending Cases of Less than Minimum wage payment should be immediately sort out.
14. A detailed Time & motion Study of work & wage should be under taken in every block in each District for Implementation Provisions of Minimum Wages.
15. Minimum Wage Of the worker should be raised at least to 200/- Per day
16. No out sourcing of Data entry or any such work on contractual basis should be permitted. This work should be provided to Gram Rojgar Sevak.
17. Gram Rojgar Sevak role of planning should be enhanced for Good Quality work under NREGA
18. A clear Job chart should be issued to Gram Rojgar Sevak by District Programme Officer.
To press these crucial demands of Gram Rojgar Sevak & MG-NREGA Staff we are agitating all over India. All organaisations Participate & Join !!
We are oserving Demands week from 21 to 28 November 11 !
We are Organising March to Parliament on 15 December 11 In Delhi !
hi friends GRS are all sleeping ? I do not show their activity for get their right posts or their salary in this hard position. So my request please rise up.
i am agree with u
i agree with you. it is too important to me & others who are involved in this area.
I am agree with this for doing/ getting more better work from GRS .
is it right that the remunaration will increase on 1/4/12.