While issuing sanction orders for retention of hiring of vehicles and allowing hiring of a new vehicle as replacement of existing one in exercise of the powers delegated under this memorandum. https://wbxpress.com/hiring-of-vehicles/
Recently an order is issued by State Project Director(S.S.M) that D.I.of Schools may hire a car . The rent of the car will be reimbursed by the D.P.O.(S.S.M.). Whether permission is necessary from the Finance Department in the case or not?
G.O No 3564 WT 3M 81 98 dated 24.11 2008 of the Transport Deptt Govt of West Bengal pdf is urgently needed. I shall remain grateful if some one provide the same.
Please let me know where can I get the Transport Department, Govt of West Bengal’s Order No:3564-WT/3M-81/98; Dated,24-11-2008.
I could not find it inspite of thorough search.
Kindly send the Finance Department Memorandum No. 3564-WT/3M-81/98, dt. 24.11.2008 of Addl. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal for single tender vehicle.