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These files are downloaded from the Calcutta High Court Website
অ্যাডমিন সাহেব, বাড়িভাড়া ভাতা বিষয়ে মহামান্য উচ্চ ন্যায়ালয়ের আদেশের উল্লেখ করা আমার পোষ্টটিতে যথা মত ফাইলদুটি আপলোড করিয়াছিলাম কিন্তু পরে আর ফাইলদুটিকে পাইলাম না। এরূপ ঘটনা এই নিয়ে দুইবার ঘটিল। কোন অজ্ঞাত কারনে অথবা আমার ভুলে ফাইলগুলি হারাইয়া যাচ্ছে সে ব্যাপারে সাব’ধান থাকিবার চেষ্টা করিতেছি এবং আপনার কাছেও জানাইয়া রাখিলাম।
Please upload order no 4030-F(P) dt 21/05/2013 and 4234-F(P) dt 27/5/2013 regarding modification of house rent declaration form,if anyone has received the copy.
If spouse works in private sector,there is some modification in the house rent declaration form.
Dear All,
I need an urgent help oh HRA issue relevant to this current thread topic. Please help me with your valuable suggestion.
I need to know the admissible HRA the wife in the following case can draw:
1) The husband works in a central government office at Durgapur, WB.
2) The wife works in a school at Shaktigarh, WB.
3) The husband has taken a government quarter at Durgapur and does not draw HRA.
4) The wife stays at her own flat at Uttarpara, WB (not on rent) from where she makes daily journey to her school at Shaktigarh.
5) The distance between Durgapur and Uttarpara is 155KM
Please let me know if any further information is required. Thanks in advance.
Is there any G.O No 955-SE(Law) ,Dt-27/07/2013 of west bengal school education department regarding hra?
Distance between places of posting (and not places of residence) of husband and wife matters. For full HRA admissibility the distance criterion was more than 250km before the Hon’ble Calcutta H.C. passed the order to reduce it to a reasonable distance instead of 250 km. Perhaps it has now been reduced to 150 km. Another point is the condition of govt. accommodation alloted to the spouse. If it is in habitable condition for family in all respects the other spouse is not entitled to draw HRA even if he/she resides separately. Since the distance between Durgapur and Shaktigarh is possibly less than 100 km and, husband resides in a govt. accommodation which is in habitable condition (I hope so) wife is not eligible to get HRA.
Go through the discussion available from: https://wbxpress.com/topic/hra-rules/
That clarifies well. Thanks a lot dnyi_polo.
Please send me the G.O relating to H.R.A for Husband & wife working at a distance of more than 350 K.M under the Govt. of West Bengal.
I am working at Malda in state govt. deptt.of agricultire and my wife is working at hooghly in a school which is 350km away Now kindly let me inform whether both of us can draw HRA in full. please quote the G.O If possible
Thank you
Gour kumar Singha
An employee is entailed to get earmarked quarters. But the quarter in question is in inhabitable condition (party occupied by the department). In that case, is the employee concerned is eligible to get HRA? If so how it will be determined?