I would like to add that the card is supposed to be issued withing six months.
G.O. No. 796-F (MED) dt. 31-01-2011
10. Treatment of new-born baby is chargable separately in addition to the
delivery charges for mother. A baby is entitled to the treatment facilities under the
Health Scheme for six months on the basis of Identity Card of parents within which a
separate card is to be obtained for the baby.
G.O.No. 797-F (MED) dt. 31-01-2011
4. Treatment charges for new-born baby are separately reimbursable in addition to
delivery charges of the mother. Baby is entitled to get treatment on the basis of identity card
of parents up to six months of age. A separate identity card under the Health Scheme should
be obtained within that period.
Though it has not been specified, it appears that the corrections may be made by the present controlling authority, if he is empowered to.