one police personnel of sub-inspector rank awarded punishment for his proceeding in the year 2013 one increment stop for four years and the increment stop started from this year and this year he got another punishment for other proceeding one increment stop without future effect.he got job in the year april 1998,he get 8 years benifit.he will attend 16 years in year question is whethere he will get 16 years benefir in 2014,and 2nd is whethere 2nd punishment will started in year 2014 or not,and whethere his increment will be started after five years or not clearly illustrate
Ask him to apply to the S.P to give effect to the stoppage of increment to run concurrently. If the withholding of increment is without any future effect then his services will count towards his seniority. Only his increment will be withheld. If S.P is a sincere man, he will do it otherwise he will give it effect after end of the first proceeding’s punishment. However, there is no rule that after the finishing of the first punishment of with holding of increment, the second will be given effect. Punishment should be enforced forthwith. If the candidate desires, he can apply for immediate implementation of the punishment order. Sweet wills do not apply to the departmental proceedings to enable the superior officers to do the things in their own rights.