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Hello friends,
I would like to ask u about a case of my colleague.Whether his salary increment should stop w.e.f. july 2012 as per govt order 759-SE(S)/2P-1/09. His date of joining is 01/10/2007 and he has joined B.Ed. in 2010 through IGNOU. He had appeared the final exam in Dec. 2012 and result has been published recently. He qualified the exam and waiting for mark sheet. So in this case is he eligible to enjoy the increment of July 2012 and further. In our school all are confused. Please guide us. Is there any other govt order or rules regarding this matter.
its simple , if he get his result before July 13 then he will get increment, and it is further two and half months away , till then he will get the result
thank you
As his date of joining is 01/10/2007 and he had enjoyed the increment on July, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. But I think that his increment was supposed to be stopped from 2012, isn’t it? I ask the colleague to stop his increment, but he told me about some special circular in which the period for completing B.Ed. degree was extended and relaxation upto 2013 or something else, but I don’t know the circular about which he was talking about. If anyone is known about this matter or about that special circular, would you please upload it and give a clear suggestion. Thank You.
I think most of us have to some extent misinterpreted the G.O. 759-SE(S)/2P-1/09. The last part of the first paragraph of the G.O. states “the Governor after careful examination of all the facts & circumstances of the cases has been pleased to allow the incumbents in drawing increments upto the year 2012 as usual and during that period they must have to complete such training approved by NCTE.” It has provided a relaxation against the barrier of 4 increments in 5 years upto the year 2012 provided the untrained teachers get themselves trained within the stipulated time period. However, there is also a supporting G.O. that allows continuation in increment. In short, continuation in increment was allowed be it 4 incs in 5 yrs, or 5 incs in 5 yrs, or 6 incs in 6 yrs till the year 2012. I am posting both the G.O.s.
I joined in my service on 02/12/2013. I went on deputation for B.Ed session 2016-18. My last date of exam is 6 June 2018. Can I get July 2018 increment? Any GO about this? Pls suggest.
Yes, you will get increment from 1.7.18 after submission of your result.
No, result has not published yet.. what can I do?
You have nothing to do at present. Say, your result wiĺl publish on 25.8.18. After publication of successesfull result, you will submit your result to your H.M/TIC along with admit,programme,marks sheet,certificate etc. Your increment is resumed and continuied from1.9.18. From 1.7.18 to 31.8.18 = 2 months of due salary will be as arrear.
You have nothing to do at present. Say, your result wiĺl publish on 25.8.18. After publication of successesfull result, you will submit your result to your H.M/TIC along with admit,programme,marks sheet,certificate etc. Your increment is resumed and continuied from1.9.18. From 1.7.18 to 31.8.18 = 2 months of due salary will be as arrear.
I heard that some of schools HM did the requisition with increment, they said that last date of exam within June, so you will get the increment of July 2018. So we confused .
If the candidate failed, then ?