I have been selected as a TR (Finance) of our school and already 2years have passed. In this period I just signed in cheques where ever necessary, as per advice of my H.M. Our H.M is going to retire in the beginning of the next year and the M.C may be dissolved to form new M.C as the school is now transformed to govt.-sponsored.In the mean time our school gets a huge grant for ACR & others. Now as a TR(Finance) what type of documents should I ask our H.M to provide me for my future safety.Is there any chance of unsafe incident?please advice me.
Thanking you in advance.
In the Finance sub-committee there are three persons, Secretary, H.M and T.R. Any two can operate the bank transaction. If the HM is going to retire, then the new HM/TIC will take over the charge. You should continue as a member till the new committee is formed. You just collect the resolution of the first meeting of the Finance sub committee.
There is no provision of a finance sub committee or representative from finance sub committee in sponsored school management rule-1972. The operators will be the HM/TIC and the PRESIDENT of newly constituted commitee .