Amar mane chilo j october mase result out hote pare, west bengal board counciler member achen unar sathe kotha bollam; uni bolechen j ai mase result out howar kotha chilo kintu ai mase r chance khubi kon; tobe uni akta important information diyechen j sob kichu ready ache bas board meetinger within 2 to 3 days result out hobe, kintu board meeting kobe hobe seta uni bolte paren ni, unar hisabe meeting hoye to howrah court verdicter por hobe, 3 rd nov a court verdict debe, r ami bollam j amar akta bondhu chairmaner sathe kotha boleche; chairman bolechen j result dec mase out hobe; tokhon uni bollen j ai information unar kache nei, uni khobor lagiye bolben. Asa kori ami khobor pabo, ami ai site update korbo….gud ni8