Some of the Work Education teachers of Secondary schools recruited through the RSSC have been found to have done some technical courses like B. Pharm., B.C.A., Agri. Studies, and the likes. Now, as per NCTE rules every secondary teacher (excepting Phy. Edn.) will have to acquire the B.Ed. training to be deemed as a TEACHER. Then whatabout the W.Edn. teachers? Won’t they require to do that training? As per G.O. No. 277-SE(P)/12-6/09 (Pt-I), dt. 28.03.2012 prymary W.Ed. teachers will have to do the B.Ed. training. But the G.O. does not say anything about the Secondary teachers. Someone throw light upon the matter, please. Post the G.O. regarding this matter, if any.