Dear Mr. Joy,
Thank you for your co-operation.
This time also, your reference is not new to me. What I’m finding is, there is no concrete G.O. regarding the leave applicable in this case. The two G.O.’s mentioned the blog of Mr. Bikaspriya Das, i.e. Order no. 490 is about the acceptance of B.Ed. from private institution which is approved by NCTE and the other G.O. i.e. 174 is about denying incremental benefit for not taking permission from D.I. for doing B.Ed. But none of them mentions any provision of leave applicable to distance-learners of B.Ed.
A part of Practice teaching is held in own school and another part in different schools at the place of Study Centre (in my case it is for 2 days).
As per verbal communication with the D.I. (Coochbehar), he mentioned that we are eligible for study leave only for the days of examinations that too subject to Board’s permission, but the Board will not grant leave for 7 days prior to exam. That 7 days may be taken as other leave, e.g. Commuted leave, etc.
In the amendment of ‘Special Leave in Exceptional Circumstance’ in January, 1994, it is clearly mentioned about that 7 days leave along with the period of examination for Hons., B.Ed. (non-deputed), M.Sc., M.A. But there is no mention of B.Ed. (Correspondence/Distance mode).
Share with me any valuable information in this regard of IGNOU B.Ed.