If an approved teacher absents himself from attending school on any of observation days concerning national festivals such as 15th of Aug or 26 Jan, will it be treated as CL or ML or any other leave? If a headmaster asks the teachers over there to sign their attendance on attendance register on the very day, what would then happen? I have heard that signing attendance on observation days of national festival calls for double payment of the day. Please clarify and attach GOs if there is any relevant.
Re: Leave or sign on observation day of any national festiva
Teachers should be present on the observation days without fail for smooth performing the days. Because, if there the all or few teachers absent from school that particular days ,It is impossible to perform the programme for only H.M./Clerk .
Teachers may sign or may not sign, that is not a question. I think teachers should sign their attendance register to prove in future, that they were present that days. Other wise without the signature in the attendance register, H.M. may keep a record for present staff for the days.
It is not known to me about the G.O. of double payment.
Re: Leave or sign on observation day of any national festiva
It depends on the attitude of a true teacher.A true teacher comes on the day of observation
without any compulsion.
Re: Leave or sign on observation day of any national festiva
It is no doubt a teacher SHOULD attend such programme. But I’ve not seen any order that cancel the day as holiday or provide extra benefit(material) for attendance. So if a teacher fail to attend for the day that MUST not be treated as leave (ML or CL) but the head of the institution may ask to explain for his/her absence if the attendance is made compulsory for the day by proper notification… as leave is not a right how can one avail leave for such a day when a teacher’s attendance is made compulsory (Though it is a national holiday). However in my opinion-
1. Every institution should build up a mechanism of its own to ensure the attendance of its stuff or to provide justice to those who have attend it.
2. If one attend on such day s/he should be provided “compensatory leave” and if necessary the definition of compensatory leave should be changed.
3. If we expect a TEACHER will attend school voluntarily, we should also expect that the institute will be humanitarian enough to see whether the staff was ill on in an unavoidable problem.