an employee joined afresh on 01/12/2012 in a permanent post; applied LWP from 01/7/2013 to 15/7/13 , advance ML from 16/7/13 to 28/7/13 , LWP from 29/7/13 to 31/7/13 & advance ML on 01/08/13. Joined on 02/8/13.
Whether is it complied with existing rule ? If not, what should be done ?
If the incumbent works in Education Department, then he/she can not avail any kinds of leave, without C.L.within 2 years. He/she can avail advanced medical leave with the permission of the Board. He/she can avail LWP with the permission of the M.C.
Thanks a lot.
Thnks Mr. mihiracharya ; The Incumbent is an NT of a high school. To avail Adv. ML , Board’s permission is not required ; vide GO- Kol-2327/04/G dt.- 11/6/04. My query was whether ML can be sanctioned by prefixing & suffixing LWP ?