
Leave Rule of Secondary School Teaching / Non Teaching Staff

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    Clarification of Special Leave on Medical Ground
    Circular No. 835/8, Date : 2.3.88
    To: The Headmistress, Suravisthan Bhuban Mohini Girls’ High School
    Sub: Special leave (on medical grounds) in favour of Sri Sambhu Nath Pramanik, an asstt. teacher of the School.
    Ref: His Letter No. 2/88, dated. 4.1.88.
    I am directed to inform you that leave accrued to an approved teaching and non-teaching staff prior to extension period of service in a school may be granted during the tenure of extension period, if normal procedure is maintained quite in tune with leave rules.
    Yours faithfully,
    Sd/- Illegible for Secretary.


    Special Casual Leave for Election Duty
    No. S/863, Date: 12.12.88
    To: The Heads of all recognised Secondary Schools.
    Sub: Special Casual Leave to the employees of non-Govt. Secondary Schools who acted as Presiding/Polling Officers in the last Panchayet Election.
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am directed to state that the Board had been informed that a good number of teaching and non-teaching staff of Secondary Schools who were appointed to act as Presiding/Polling Officers in the last Panchayet Election held on 28.2.88 had to take one day’s Casual Leave for casting their votes.
    Govt. employees on similar polling duties were allowed Special Casual Leave for a full day or half day as the case may be, for casting their votes.
    Accordingly the matter was placed before the Executive Committee of the Board. The meeting after careful consideration resolved that the employees of non-Govt. Secondary Schools who were appointed Presiding or Polling Officers in the last Panchayet Election held on 28.2.88 may be allowed Special Casual Leave for one day for casting their votes in the said election on the following terms and conditions as also applicable in the cases of Govt. employees on the similar occasion :
    1. The concerned employee shall produce before the School authority his appointment letter and also satisfy them that he was actually a voter in an area where Panchayet election was held.
    2. Such employee shall also report in writing to the concerned authority that he actually cast his vote in the said election.
    Yours faithfully,
    Sd/- Sudin Chattopadhyay


    Re: Leave Rule of Secondary School Teaching / Non Teaching S
    Great thread nemo! Keep them coming.


    Re: Leave Rule of Secondary School Teaching / Non Teaching S
    Thank you for your inspiration.
    All coming soon in chronological order.


    Special Leave under Rule 5 of the existing leave rule
    Memo No. S/180 Date: 7.4.90
    To: The Heads of all recognised Secondary Schools.
    Sub: Special Leave under Rule-5 of the existing Leave Rules.
    It has been represented that a large number of teaching and non-teaching staff of recognised Secondary Schools who have availed of Special Leave under Rule-5 did not get their approval from the Board as required under the rule either due to the fact that the School authorities did not forward such cases with necessary documents and recommendations in time or the staff concerned did not supply the required documents and at present are not in a position to procure and supply the same. It has been claimed that a considerable number of such cases for the period upto 31.3.81 are pending in the Board for disposal for want of supporting documents. As a results large number of staff are suffering for want of approval of such leave cases which are essentially required for computation in the Service Book of the concerned staff.
    The matter was placed for consideration in the 99th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board dated 12.1.80 when it was resolved after deliberations that the prayers for approval of Special Leave under Rule-5 which have been enjoyed prior to 1.4.81 only and which are under consideration in the Board and which have been enjoyed upto 31.3.81 only and may be submitted to the Board later on by the present Managing Committees will be disposed of on the basis of the specific recommendations (i.e. mentioning the period of leave to be approved and whether leave is recommended with full average pay or half average pay) of the Managing Committees even if the School the incumbents fail to produce the required timetable of examinations or medical certificates as the cases may be.
    Hence you are requested to forward with specific recommendation of the present Managing Committee the cases of Special Leave under Rule-5 of Leave Rules enjoyed by a staff prior to 1.4.81 only but have not yet been forwarded/approved for want of supporting documents.
    You are further requested to send the cases of Special Leave enjoyed by a staff w.e.f. 1.4.81 onwards with specific recommendation of the Managing Committee accompanied by supporting documents, if any, as stated above.
    Sd/- Sudin Chattopadhyay


    Provision for Lien
    No. S/218, Date: 26.4.90
    To: The Heads of all recognised Secondary Schools
    Sub: Provision for ‘Lien’ for the teaching and non-teaching staff of Secondary Schools.
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am directed to state that the Board has been moved for sometime past for making a provision of ‘Lien’ for the employees of Secondary Schools.
    The matter was placed before the 34th meeting of the Board on 24.1.90 for consideration. After detailed and careful considerations the Board adopted the following resolution:
    Under the provision of Rule 7 (Extraordinary Leave) the Managing Committee may also allow a teacher or a non-teaching employee of a School to be retained on ‘Lien’ for the reasons of personal ground or serving elsewhere for a period not exceeding two years (at a time not more than one year) without disturbing usual leave standing in the credit of the employee concerned proceeding on ‘Lien’.
    Yours faithfully,
    Sd/- Sudin Chattopadhyay


    Special Leave for Examination
    No. S/122 Date: 02.05.91
    To: The Heads of all recognised Secondary Schools.
    Sub: Sanction of special leave on full pay to a teacher intending to appear of an examination under Rule 5(ii).
    It has been observed that some members of the teaching staff of recognised secondary schools, in order to have higher qualification are appearing at Special Honours/M.A. Examination as Private candidate in any subject of their choice, not relevant to the (Subjects) taught by them in school, such as B.Sc. (Bio) teachers appearing M.A. Examination in Bengali/English/History etc. It is also observed that the school authorities are also sanctioning special leave on full pay to such teachers for appearing at the said examinations under rule 5(ii), subject to the approval of the Board and thereafter sending those cases to the Board for according approval.
    A few such cases were placed before the Executive Committee of the Board at its meeting held on 14.2.91 for consideration. It was decided that the Board shall not grant special leave under Rule 5(ii) to such teachers.
    This may be brought to the notice of all concerned for information & guidance.
    Sd/- Sudin Chattopadhyay


    Special Leave for Examination under Rule 5(ii)
    No. S/133A, Date . 22.4.92
    To: The Heads of all Schools recognised by the Board
    Sub: Sanction of Special Leave on full pay to a teacher intending to appear at an Examination under Rule 5(ii).
    Ref: Board’s Circular No. S/122 dt. 2.5.1991.
    The Heads of all recognised Secondary Schools are informed that in cancellation of this office circular under reference, the members of the teaching staff of recognised Secondary Schools who appeared at Special Honours/M.A. Examination as Private Candidates in the same subject taught by them in the Schools, will be granted special leave under Rule 5(ii) of the existing Leave Rules subject to the provision that such leave will be granted to them once only during the entire tenure of their service in the schools.
    This order will come in force on and from 2.5.91. Cases occurring before this date may be referred to the Board for consideration and necessary action.
    Sd/- S. Chattopadhyay


    Special Leave for Election Duty
    Education Department
    Secondary Branch

    No. 629(2)-Edn.(S)/1P-3/90(Pt), Dated, Calcutta, the 24th August, 1993
    Sub: Granting leave of absence for the teachers and non-teaching staff acting in various Panchayet Bodies of this State.
    It has come to the notice of this State Government that often a number of teachers and non-teaching staff of Schools, Colleges, Universities and Madrasahs contest the elections of various Panchayet Bodies of this State and get elected as members of those bodies. It may so happen that a number of such persons may either desire to or are sponsored by different political parties to contest the elections to the posts of Sabhadhipati, Sahakari Sabhadhipati or Karmadhyaksha of a Zilla Parishad, Sabhapati or Sahakari Sabhapati of a Panchayat Samity and Pradhan and Upapradhan of a Gram Panchayet. Under the latest amendment of the West Bengal Panchayet Act, 1973 elected members of Zilla Parishads intending to contest election to the posts of Sabhadhipati, Sahakari Sabhadhipati and Karmadhyaksha of the Sthayee Samities of the Zilla Parishads are required to declare that on being elected to the said posts they will be the wholetime functionaries and during the period for which they hold or are due to hole such office, they will not hold any office of profit unless they had obtained leave of absence from their places of employment; similar declarations are also to be made by persons intending to contest the elections, to the post of Sabhapati and Sahakari Sabhapati of Panchayat Samities.
    Earlier, this Department had issued an order, vide G. O. No. 767 Edn. (S) dated 24th June, 1991, permitting extraordinary leave without pay and extending terminal and other benefits for teachers and non-teaching staff of various levels who were holding the posts of Ministers of this State or Confidential Assistants to Ministers but there is no such provision for granting leave of absence and terminal benefits for teachers and non-teaching staff holding the posts in Panchayet Bodies.
    After careful consideration of all aspects and in the interest of smooth administration of Panchayet Bodies the Governor has been pleased to order that the teachers and non-teaching staff of Schools, Colleges, Universities and Madrasahs, who have been or will be elected as Sabhadhipatis, Sahakari Sabhadhipatis and Karmarihyakhas of Stayee Samities of Zilla Parishads may be granted extraordinary leave without pay for the full term they serve as such; this leave, however, shall not exceed five years at a stretch from the date of taking charge of such office(s).
    The Governor is also pleased to order that the same benefit be also given to the Sabhapatis and Sahakari Sabhapatis of Panchayet Samities of the same terms and conditions.
    The West Bengal Primary Education Board, the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, the West Bengal Madrasah Education Board and the Universities under this State Government as the case may be will sanction this kind of Leave after being satisfied that the incumbents concerned actually have worked in the capacity of Sabhadhipati, Sahakari Sabhadhipati Or Karmadhyaksha of a Zilla Parishad and Sabhapati or Karmadhyaksha of a Zilla Parishad and Sabhapati of a Panchayat Samity for the entire period (not exceeding five years) of his/her claim.
    The secretary to the Managing Committee or the Governing Body will send the proposal to the concerned authority certifying that the concerned teacher or nonteaching staff would have continued in his/her service as a Zilla Parishad/Panchayet Samity functionary.
    The incumbent concerned may be allowed to contribute to his/her own share of provident fund account, if there is any.
    The aforesaid period of absence shall count towards increment and other terminal benefits i.e. pension and gratuity including the benefit of employment of wards under death-in-harness category.
    A Sabhadhipati/Sahakari Sabhadhipati/Karmadhyaksha of a Zilla Parishad and a Sabhapati/Sahakari Sabhapati of a Panchayet Samity who is also a teacher or nonteaching staff of School/College/University/Madrasah seeking premature voluntary retirement or retiring on attaining the age of superannuation need not rejoin his/her educational institution for the purpose terminal benefits, the aforesaid period shall automatically count towards terminal benefits.
    This order issue with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U. O. No. Group B/1103, dated 18.8.93.
    Amendment to respective leave rules if necessary may be made in due course.
    All concerned are being informed.
    Sd/- S. Sanyal
    Joint Secretary


    Compensatory Leave and Medical Leave
    Memo No. 9517/G/1 Date: 27.1.94
    To: The Secretary,
    Chingishpur High School,
    P. O. Chingishpur, Dist. Dakshin Dinajpur.
    Sub: Appeal preferred by Sri Siba Prasad Chaki against the authorities of your school (appeal No. 7/93).
    Dear sir,
    I am directed to forward herewith the entire decision of the appeal Committee of the Board taken in its meeting held on 9.12.93.
    “The appellant is present. Sri Nilotpal Sarkar. T. R and Sri Dibyendu Talukdar another teacher duly authorised by the Secretary are present. Heard the parties.”
    The case of the appellant is that the respondent has not sanctioned his compensatory leave for 95 days in 1989 and medical leave for 33 days in 1993.
    The case of the respondent is that he apprehended that there is serious irregularity in the matter of accumulation of compensatory leave and Medical Leave and considering the total irregularity, the Managing committee was not inclined to grant the said compensatory leave and medical leave and decided further to treat the same leave as leave without pay and to realise the money already paid to the appellant from his salary.
    Though no decision was taken by the Managing Committee in respect of compensatory leave and the medical leave as prayed for by the appellant the fact is that no amount has yet been deducted from the salary of the appellant—H.M. He has been paid full amount of his salary and admissible allowances.
    The question now is whether compensatory leave and medical leave should be granted. It was only in 1989 that the M.C. decided to start the leave register and the leave register was duly started in the last year. The leave register has not been maintained in the way it should have been done. There are no entries in respect of some of teachers and entries in respect of some of teachers are incomplete. The appellant has also filed his service book. There are entries in the service book upto the year 1989 and it appears that leave prayed for was not considered. It is not proper that leave should not be sanctioned only because the papers are not available. It is the duty of the M.C. to see that the papers are maintained in accordance with the rules. This has not been done. Only in respect of some other teachers the M.C. has sanctioned leave by resolution of the M.C. One of the resolutions shows that the M.C. did not sanctioned leave of the appellant. This does not appear to be fair. If no papers are ready, the appellant should not be made to suffer. It is true that the appellant has been receiving full pay, no deduction has been made. But unless the matter is regularised this will effect the interest of the appellant after his retirement. Not only that if papers are not properly maintained with regard to leave the interest of all teachers will suffer, after their respective retirement.
    In the interest of the school the appellant giving an undertaking before the Appeal Committee that he will prepare leave register of all teachers after consulting
    the records and the service books of each teacher. This the appellant has undertaken to do during the next summer vacation. The M.C. considering the interest of all the teachers should see that it is properly done during the coming summer vacation. Meanwhile, the leave prayed for by the appellant should be sanctioned. If all papers are made ready and it appears that the appellant is not entitled to get the leave he has applied for he will be bound to refund any amount which he has got on account of leave.
    No deduction has yet been made from his salary. This will be done if after all the papers are properly maintained and it is found that the leave as prayed for by the appellant is not due. One of the grievances of the respondent is that the appellant is not to get compensatory leave because he did not perform any work which will entitle him to get compensatory leave. Rule 6 of the leave Rules says that a teacher may be granted compensatory leave for the period he may be required to attend the school for duty during the long vacation or holidays provided he attains the school at least 7 days during such vacation or holidays. These 7 days need not be consecutive and a a stretch but during these 7 days a teacher must attend the school.
    The appellant is the Headmaster of the school. It is the duty of the H.M. to see the affairs of the school during holidays. The appellant categorically stated that during the holidays he attended the school for attending certain duties, in the circumstances non-sanctioning of leave as prayed for by the appellant is not justified.
    Hence leave, both compensatory and medical should be sanctioned immediately. The Headmaster will also prepare necessary documents and leave register in accordance with the rules during the Summer vacation. If he does not do it or if it is found from the documents that the leave prayed for is not due to him the sanctioned leave may be cancelled.
    Hence ordered that the appeal be allowed Compensatory Leave for 95 days and Medical Leave for 33 days in 1993 should immediately be sanctioned as per the conditions mentioned above.
    You are, therefore requested to comply with the above order of the Appeal committee of the Board immediately under intimation of compliance to this office.
    Yours faithfully,
    Sd/- A. Gupta
    for Secretary.

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