Whether leave salary can be sanctioned to the State Govt, Employees without receipt of Admissibility Report from AG,West Bengal.Plz submit relevant order.
Power to sanction Cash equivalent of Leave Salary has been delegated to Head of Office. (vide G.O. No. 4794F dt. 6.5.94 ). The Head of Office may issue a Order sanctioning the amount.
Browse following link for more help. PAYMENT OF LEAVE SALARY
@Ray,In terms of F.D. Circular No. DT/O/46/P-2010/469 Dt.16/03/2010 the Cash equivalent to Leave salary may be paid without receipt of Admissibility Report from AG(A&E).I want to know whether this circular still now is active or revoked.Actually prvious circular No.DT/O/68/C-05/1338 dt 03/08/2005 did not allow to pay the L/S without the receipt of Admissibility Report as the L/S is treated as terminal benefit.
So far my knowledge is concerned, no new order in this regard have been issued.
Other members please comment whether there is any amendment/update.
@rina: by the way, can you please share Circular No. DT/O/46/P-2010/469 Dt.16/03/2010 in this forum?
Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts
Finance Department
4 Lyons Range, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Kolkata-700001
No. DT/O/46/P-2010/469, Date: 16.3.2010 CIRCULAR
The earlier circular vide no. DT/O/68/C-05/1650 dated 27.09.2005 is hereby revoked under Finance (Audit ) Department , Gr.-T, U.O. No. 1808 dated 11.03.2010 regarding payment of the Cash equivalent to Leave Salary to the State Govt. Employees without receipt of Admissibility Report from the office of the Accountant General (A & E) West Bengal.
Director of Treasuries & Accounts
West Bengal.