Can anybody help me in getting the orders in connection with the marking procedure (very good/ good/average/poor) in the ACR or 5 scale ACR (outstanding/very good/ good/average/poor).
I got two orders one published in 2002 & other in 2013, Can anybody please help me in searching all the orders regarding ACR which is applicable for Gr. A officers under west Bengal Govt.
Thank you in anticipation.
Dear Bikasda,
For Gr. A employees, ACR is renamed as APR (Annual Performance Report). And at present there are 5 types of rating. Please have a look at the following G.O.s: No. 3101-F dated 17.04.2013 No. 855-FT dated 21.06.2013
Thanks for reply!
i have gone all those but have u seen this:
“As per the old APR, comprising of 4 types of grading viz. Very Good, Good, Average and Poor, the maximum attainable rating of performance is 3. However, such departments..” in the G.O. 3101 dt 17.4.13
Look at words “As per old APR..” which means there exist a scheme before the new one. Question is whether that old is as per No. 9135-F, Dated:10.09.2002 or any order published in between 2002 & 2013. if yes, what is that G.O. no. where can i get that.
When the new format comes into effect and where is that order. g.o. 3101 is not that one. as the first sentence implies that on getting complaint the dept published this g.o. 3101. there must have some other g.o. for introduction of new format.
please help..
our boss has objected to a promotion file on the marking procedure which i think not true. so please help to make my boss understand that he has to withdraw that observation