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Is there any standing Order on this aspect and to pass such bills on top priority?
Yes, the following G.O. may be referred:
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. : 524-F(Y) Kolkata, the 22nd January, 2010
Subject : Consolidated instructions regarding release of fund from Kolkata Pay & Accounts Offices and the Treasuries under West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008.
With a view to smooth implementation of the βWest Bengal Health Scheme, 2008β following instructions are issued pending amendment in relevant provisions of the West Bengal Treasury Rules 2005 :-
1. Advance under West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 shall be drawn in Pay Bill Format (T.R. Form No. 18) till a new Bill Format under the West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005 is
derived at with the concurrence of Accountant General, West Bengal and suitable amendment in Rule 4.107 of the W.B.T.R. 2005 is made.
2. Pay & Accounts Offices/Treasuries are advised to release bills pertaining to drawal of advance and reimbursement under west Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 in anticipation of allotment subject to the condition that Administrative Departments shall make adequate provision of fund under unit head, β12-Medical Reimbursemant under the West
Bengal Heath Scheme 2008β to make good the shortfall before closure of each financial year.
3. Advance under West Bengal Htalth Scheme, 2008 amounting to over Rs. 20.000/- shall be drawn through open cheque in relaxation of Rule 4.044(1) of West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005, till suitable amendment in the Rules is made.
4. Rule 4.107 of West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005 includes only Government employees. Till a new system is evolved this provision shall be applied to pensioners for reimbursement only under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008.
5. In the case of an employee who is transferred after taking medical advance under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008, it is advised that till relevant rule under the West Bengal Treasury Rules are amended the amount of advance lying outstanding at the time of transfer may be endorsed on the Last Pay Certificate of the employee by the D.D.O. The
new D.D.O. will take suitable measures for adjustments which will be communicated to the former D.D.O.
Sd/- S. Bhattacharyya
Sepcial Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Source: wbfin.nic.in