Mid day meal problems.

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    Sir, as primary teachers we are facing more problems at present regarding Mid day meal. As per direction of our Hon’ble Supreme Court the Mid day meal program has been introduce a few years ago. Indeed it is justified but the allotment for the said purpose very poor. I think nobody can able to arrange MDM @ Rs. 3.17/- per student. we get Rs. 3.17/-per student only 85% students,. Some of pre -primary students come regularly. We can’t able to ignore those students from our humanity. We get that poor allotments after two- three or four month. Therefore supplier/shopkeeper demand higher rate and supply low quality . Fire wood now Rs. 500-600/- per Q. potato Rs. 8/-per k. pulse 120/-per K. and others so high.
    Teachers are compelled to provide their valuable time to run this program than teaching. We are facing more problems day by day. I think no way to maintain any quality of Mid day meal @ Rs. 3.17/-per student at present Market.
    Please think about it and give some remedy. No more, take my regards.


    Sorry, I could not understand the logic behind 85%.


    I think according to Govt. opinion more than 85% students attendance are unnatural.Maximum average students attendance may be 85% in a primary School. 90,95 or 100% attendance is not Possible. But it is fact, 105 or 110% attendance is natural in a rural Primary School including Pre- Primary students. Some of children come with their brothers and sisters.Because their parents go to field as an worker. Though it is illegal but consider it sympathetically.
    we know that ” A teacher is second parents and a parents is second teacher”. so many thanks to all.

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