Thank you ASif4All, I am posting the above G.O. in text format:
Government of West Bengal
Department of Panchayats & Rural Development
Panchayat Wing, Jessop Building,
63, Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata – 1.
No. 1386/PN/O/III/2S-29/09, Dated: 2.3.12.
From: Shri S. Purkait, O.S.D. & Ex-Officio Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The Commissioner of Panchayats & R.D., West Bengal.
Sub: Inter district transfer of the employees of Gram Panchayats & Panchayat Samities.
In supersession of this Deptt.’s orders on the subject noted above the undersigned is directed to say that inter district transfer of the employees of Panchayat Samities and Gram Panchayats except Gram Panchayat Karmee may be allowed in respect of the permanent employees with at least three years service in the district from where transfer is sought provided that there should be no departmental proceeding against such employees.
Mutual transfer in respect of the employees of Gram Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti may be allowed for those employees who have served at the place for at least two years and were not posted in places where transfer has been sought during five years of service from the date of joining at current place of posting.
OSD & Ex-Officio Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.