Plz give me some information on the following topic – How many days can one wb govt. aided deputed school teacher get as a leave for his B.Ed examination? Is there any maximum number? If so, then what will be his status after that? Is there any circular or rules?
Special leave with full pay is allowable for the period of examination and a week prior to its commencement and also the period of journey to enable him/her to resume his/her duties after completion of examination.
Relevant rule: 79-Edn dated 28.01.1994
Is this G.O. valid for the exam, whose dates are changed and last date of exam is extended, at the middle of the exam/ leave. ( that means the starting dt. is unaltered but some exam dt.s are rearrenged ). Is there any rule, that a deputed teacher must join to the school, in that period ? If so, when ?