WB Govt. has sent an option form to the willing school and advised to send the form with Approved M.C resolution to the D.I of school .In Page No.2,Govt. Said(for unwilling school)’ Govt. may reserve the right to stop ‘Grant-ln-Aid’ and may stop posting the teacher to the unwilling school..’ … Friends i dn’t understand the matter.pls clear it.
Re: Non Govt. Aided Sc. to Govt. Sponsored High School statu
The matter is in one line- “Govt. want to convert all the Non Govt. Sponsored School to Govt. Sponsored School due to RTE act.” Conversion of Non Govt. Aided Schools into Govt. Aided
Re: Non Govt. Aided Sc. to Govt. Sponsored High School statu
What facilities or benefits can a teacher avail of in a govt sponsored school? Will there be the provision of Earned Leave and Child Care Leave?