My Claim form 10 D for pension for account no TNMAS 00079800000000453 has been received on
19/03/2013 claim ID TNMAS 130300029274 is under process sender BV-EPFO
Sir, I am writing this on behalf my father in law. He is a retired primary teacher(Disable ,Handicapped).All papers of Sri .P.C.Sarkar have been sent to the Director of Pension via D.I,Malda ,which was Memo No. 753-Pry-Pen dt.09.07.2012 , On line Pension status showing from December’12 that “PENSION FILE RECEIVED AND FILE NO. ASSIGNED.” But still now not progress pension file status.
Sir,have any scope or facility for disable employees to take immediate action for start pension ? Please reply me via email as early as possible.Thanking you,
Me, primary assistant school teacher Sachindranath Santra retired on 21/04/2012. I have submitted my all documents for pension purpose but till i did not see any improvement. please can you tell me the file no. and my pension status.
thank you
Name: Sachindranath Santra
Memo No.: 550-P (pen)
Date of birth: 21/04/1952
Date of retirement: 21/04/2012
I am writing this on behalf of my father in law.He retired on the basis of Medical Ground(PhysicalyUnfit).On line pension status showing from December’12 “PENSION FILE RECEIVED AND FILE NO. ASSIGNED”. File PRI/MLD/00288/2012 .Sir,let me know how many days to take to start pension (PPO) ? Please inform me the latest file status or what action will be taken by the pension department? Thanking you,
I am writing this on behalf my father in law.My father in law is a disable (Deaf&Dumb)retired Teacher.He retired on the basis of Medical Ground(Physically unfit).On line status is showing (From-December 2012)”Pension File Received and File No.assigned”.File PRI/MLD/00288/2012.Sir,have any scope or priority has taken by the Govt.for disable person for start pension(Financial Condition)?How much time it may take to start pension.Please reply me as soon as early.thanking you,PRADIP KUMAR DAS.