I have retired w.e.f. 1st May, 2013. My Pension papers were sent on 10.6.2013 and the File No. is DHC/CAL/00003/2013. However, vide RM/R/00028/13 dated 29.10.13 from Dte. of Pension, PF & GI intimated that there were some Audit Observations. After the rectification the document was sent vide 521/X-26/PAD/PS/GTA dt. 5/12/13. Till date no intimation has been received. Kindly inform the status.
my file no is 68/S/pent/(1) Date-19/02/2014 kindly let me know the status of the pension file & commutted value likely time to release Pension and gratuty .
I am a Head Teacher of Primary School, under Kolkata District and I am going to retire on 31.07.2014. My pension case has been submitted to the pension director, pension, provident fund and group insurance, west bengal, PURTA BHABAN, Kolkata vide memo no. 2/1/3/pen date 17.04.2014. Kindly look into the matter and intimate me. Thanks & regards, Sahjad Haider.
My wife was a Head Teacher of Primary School under at Kamarhati Circle and she expired on 26.08.2012. My Provident Fund and Group Insurance, Pension and Gratuity papers forwarded to your office, West Bengal, Purta Bhaban, Kolkata vide Memo No. 15561/1(2) Pen. Dated 17.01.2014. Kindly look into the matter and intimate me. Thanks & Regards, Sri Partha Pratim Biswas.