I was appointed in scale no.14 .I got 10/16/25 years modified career advancement without any promotion. At present my scale no. is 17 with old designation. Now I got promotion to higher designation with scale no. 16. What type of financial benefit I may get in this promotion.
Re: pay fixation on promotion after2/3 career advancement sc
Are you drawing pay in ropa 2009?
Write present grade pay.
Write grade pay of promotion post
Present designation?
Promotion post designation?
Regarding Fixation Benefit on Promotion
One employee holding scale no-6 [3350 -6325/-] on his appointment, after getting 1-st & 2-nd higher scale [scale no- 7 & 8 respectively] under CAS-90 or CAS-2001 on completion of 10/8 yrs or 20/16 yrs of service, gets promotion on the scale no-8 [3800 – 7775/-] w.e.f from 1.1.2006. He get 25 yrs benefit under CAS-2001 on 01.01.2007. His date of 1-st appointment is 01.09.1981.
The question is whether he is entitled to get the fixation benefit due to this promotion. If yes, state the rule which will applicable.
Re: Pay Fixation on Promotion after2/3 Career Advancement Sc
Once benefit of pay fixation is available on financial upgradation to higher scale under CAS no additional benefit is allowed on actual promotion to such scale.