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in 6th cpc we all have (say two) basics i.e. first basic and total basic and we all get d.a., hra etc on total basic, not on first basic.
so as per pay protection rule (or as per logic behind pay protection..!) what will be protected ? first basic or total basic ?
i.e. in my case :
in pay band 9300-34800 (gp-4400) there is starting pay (or total basic) fixed at 15210.
in this there is 10810 (first basic) + 4400 gp… combines and makes 15210 (total basic.).
after one increament i reached at: 11270 (first basic) + 4400 gp= 15670 (total basic).
now if in same organization i join post having pay scale 5200-20500 g.p.2800. and if service counted continue and pay protection is available than what will be my first basic and total basic in new post?
Re: pay fixation when joining lower pay post from higher pay
any one has answer to my above query?
Re: pay fixation when joining lower pay post from higher pay
any one has answer to my above query?
Would you please mention the Grade/Post or Pay Band No of both the posts, so that others can find some information for you?
I cannot find GP 4400 with Pay Scale 9300-34800, neither Pay Scale 5200-20500 with GP 2800 in the revised Pay Structure of 6th CPC.
Anyway, in the revised Pay Structure, Basic Pay = Pay in the Band( which you call First Basic) + GP. In the Pay Protection law, your Pay in the Band will be protected, not the Basic Pay. That means if your current Pay in the Band is lower than the previous, your previous Pay in the Band will be protected and Basic Pay will be calculated by adding our Previous Pay in the Band and Current GP.
If your Pay in the Band reaches to Rs 11270, your New Basic Pay will be Rs. 11270+Rs. 2800= Rs.14070 (In the new scale it was to be Rs.8560+Rs.2800=Rs.11360). In this way, your Pay will be protected, though your current Basic Pay will be lower than the previous one.
Here are two attachments for your persual.
F. No. 13_9_2009-Estt (Pay-1).pdf
Fixation of Pay_6th_CPC.pdf
Re: Pay protection when joining lower pay post from higher p
thank you sir for your reply.
I thought that provision of spacial pay (and that merged in future increaments) might be applicable in my case to protect my basic of higher post.
For information that here g.p. of 4200, 4400 and 4600 available in pay band of 9300-…….. and
g.p. of 1900, 2400 and 2800 available in pay band of 5200-…….
other thing to be noted that if that occured in 5th cpc than my total basic (on which one get D.A., H.R.A. etc, allowances) may be protected, but in 6th cpc this is major loss for me…. agree?