Home › Forums › Duties & Responsibilities › PG MATH TEACHER ENGAGED IN MID DAY MEAL
before replying this we should know how MDM hampers his classes? is it overlapping his class routine! or is it that the students are coming late in his class? or does it hamper his preparation of his class? please let us know how does it hamper!
I think your Head Master knows very well about your class. No doubt he is not an irresponsible Person. I think your are also very expert about Mid day meal. I believe all the teachers will cooperate rotationally to smoothly run the M.D.M.project.With regards.
I think a teacher’s first and foremost duty is to teach his/her students. For smooth running of the MDM Programme, the school authorities are responsible and SHGs are there to accompany. No assistant teacher should forcefully be engaged in this activity against his/her will. A responsible HM should be well aware of that issue.
Dear friend,
Mid-day meal can’t be run smoothly by the H.M. without any help of another teachers. H.M. are liable but cooperation is essencial from another teachers. A.T. will assist as per requirements. that is why they are Assistant Teacher. P.G. Math or P.G. Beng. or Pass graduate or P.I. is not vital here. If H.M. think Mr. X is able /expert for it then Mr.X should be help.Is not right my forum friend? Don’t mind friend take my regards.
I think HM should make a schedule so that all the have to do the works like MDM in rotation. however if any teacher is considered to to be unfit for such works he may be alloted other works or provisional class and the teacher who will do the work of his but should get less provisional class and all these things should be discussed in a meeting with all the teachers and then at MC before implementing… However HM has to look after that the program like MDM is running positively and he will be responsible for the steps taken by the assigned teacher in normal cases…
For primary HT should look after MDM with the help of VEC & MTA and assistant teachers may be asked to assist him in absence of the VEC/MTA members…
Please friend Paul, first follow the forum guidelines while posting.
Dear AB Paul is correct on this topic of MDM. We the Assistant Teachers should help the HM on every ground. Thanks.
I think you work on the MDM calculation, i.e stock, cash book, daily expenditure etc. Acc. to my advice you’ld serve your School as far as possible, but you are not bound to do so, I’ll thanks you to do such job for your School, so carry on and keep all records up-to-date by signing to HM, Secretary and President of the MC.
This should help about the duties regarding MDM-