আমাদের H.M. আমাদের এই order এর কথা জানিয়েছেন।এই order টায় বলা হয়েছে যে ‘wb group d exam এর যে যে schoole center poreche সেখানে সব teacher দের invigilation duty করা আবশ্যিক।
You will perform the duty that is asked by the H.M. In the interest of public examinations, the teaching staff should perform invigilation duty and non-teaching staff perform other duties, as alloted to them and both should cooperate to maintain the sanctity of such examinations.
Every HM/TIC receives such order, generally from respective DM/SDO, before conducting any Competitive Exam in the institution stating that every employee under his/her control is bound to perform invigilation or any other duties as assigned to him/her. Not only that, even if your school has not been selected venue but you got appointment as invigilator from the HM of a nearby school/ DIs/ AIs/ SI/ BDO, you are bound to perform the duty.
Here I attach one for reference from the Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal