Scheduled Rates of Professions Tax to be recovered by DDO from the salary and wages earners as per the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employment Act, 1979, (commonly known as Profession Tax Act).
I reside in govt. housing . as per housing riles a licensence fee is first added with my pay and then deducted again . on adding license fee my total salary gets above Rs. 25,000 for which is deducted which is not my income. then should should be deducted becuse it is deducted again.
i some changes occurred in Notification no.454 F.T. dt.31/03/2012 was issued by Finance dept. by virtue
Hence salary & wage earners earning monthly salary or wages upto Rs.5000/-
per month would not be liable to pay Profession Tax from 01.04.2012 onwards.