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I am writing this message regarding Promotion. I work as Accounts Clerk in one block and other 5 nos. Accounts Clerk are posted in other Blocks. Among us only 1 Accounts Clerk is SC category and remaining are General & OBC. Now a promotional Policy is making on the basis of 50point roster. In the giving of promotion from A/c to Casher-cum-Store-keeper, it is noticed that:
1st vacancy—- SC, 2nd vacancy—Unres., 3rd vacancy—Unres., 4th vacancy—ST, 5th vacancy—Unres., 6th vacancy—Unres., 7th vacancy—SC, 8th to 10th vacancy—Unres. and so on. No of post of A/c — 8, no. of appointed A/c –6, Total post of Cashier-cum-Store Keeper —- 8 (vacant). It is seen that the only four of us are promoted to Casher-cum-Store-keeper and the rest 2 employees are not promoted as they are GEN/OBC.
Now my question is:-
1) During promotion as we are 6 employees so is there any rule to count from 1st to 6th of 50 point roster?
2) How much the 2 employees will wait for getting their promotion?
3) As there was no ST or SC appointed as accounts clerk so why the 2 General employee is disappointed for getting promotion?
If anybody has experience in this matter pls call me at 94……. (Arnab) so I can discuss with him in details. I will be thankful to him in lifetime.
Arnab, A/c, Dakshin Dinajpur, Balurghat
The past records regarding promotion is also to be considered here. A register is maintained by each establishment for promotional cases. After consulting this register, roster is prepared accordingly. https://wbxpress.com/reservation-of-vacancies-in-services-and-posts/
Dear friend,
You have referred to a roster which is “post based roster”. It has replaced the earlier “Vacancy based rosters” with effect from 02.07.1997 in govt. services. Rosters are the aids to determine the number of vacancies to be reserved and, are not meant to be used for determining the order of appointment or seniority. In a roster, positions (called roster points) are not reserved for different categories of candidates under existing rules. With reference to the roster referred by you, it is interpreted as follows: out of 10 posts in the roster (from Sl. No. 1 to 10) 2 posts are reserved for SC candidates, 1 post for ST and remaining 7 are kept unreserved (meaning that eligible SC, ST or General candidates can be promoted to those 7 unreserved posts). But, it does not signify that postions (otherwise called roster points) 1st and 7th are reserved for SC candidates, 4th reserved for ST candidate and positions 2nd, 3rd, 5th etc. are earmerked for unreserved candidates.
In case of promotion, due to nonavailability of reserved candidates in feeder grade reservation can be carried forward to a maximum of 3 subsequent recruitment years and, if no reserved candidate is available the reservation will lapse and will be filled up by unreserved candidates. Such dereservation of vacancies are PERMISSIBLE for promotion under L-shaped rosters, subject to certain terms & conditions/with prior approval etc. On the otherhand, in case of promotion dereservation is NOT PERMISSIBLE FOR LARGE ROSTERS under existing rules.
I am supplying one study material prepared by the Asst. Director of Institute of Secretariat Training & Management, New Delhi on reservation in govt. services. This will immensely help one to have proper understanding on operations of reservation rules, methods of preparation of different rosters, procedure for filling up vacancies/posts in direct recruitment and promotion as per existing rules etc. With regards.